Magento 2 - Lengow plugin changelogs

✅ Version 1.6.7 (released on 29-10-2024)

🔧 Bugfix

  • Correction for default address not found
    Automatically saves default delivery and billing addresses when an existing customer has no registered address.
  • Configuration label
    Updated labels to replace "Pre-prod" with "Sandbox".

✅ Version 1.6.6 (released on 15-10-2024)

🔧 Bugfix

  • API Rate Limitation
    Implemented a limit of 500 API calls per minute for both the API Orders and API Actions endpoints.

✅ Version 1.6.5 (released on 24-09-2024)

🔧 Bugfix

  • New Lengow logo
  • Command sync
    Use of php generator with yield for command sync which slightly improves performance.

✅ Version 1.6.4 (released on 28-08-2024)

🔧 Bugfix

  • Synchronisation of the number of days in configuration
    The ‘nb_days’ can be lower than 1 if there is a sales period (e.g. 0.25 => 6h).
  • Tax rounding
    Do not trigger Lengow tax rounding if the value is "null" (Kaufland).

✅ Version 1.6.3 (released on 04-07-2024)

🎉 Feature

  • Modification of an api route
  • E-mail configuration on import
    Merchant can choose whether to anonymise the email in clear,
    or whether to anonymise it in encrypted (sha)

🔧 Bugfix

  • Blank page on an order with no status history
    Correction to avoid BO error 500 on this type of order in the back office.

✅ Version 1.6.2 (released on 29-05-2024)

🎉 Feature

  • Log last php error
    Log the last php error using the shutdown() function on importing orders, exporting products and consulting the toolbox.

🔧 Bugfix

  • Refund amount not correct
    Adjustment taking into account delivery costs and additional cost. 

✅ Version 1.6.1 (released on 15-05-2024)

🎉 Feature

  • Remove the tracking option
    No longer functional as the tracking has been deprecated in Lengow.

🔧 Bugfix

  • mapping carrier is not correct
    Enhanced carrier mapping
  • Amazon US users can't retrieve automatically FBA (Amazon Fulfillment) orders on Magento 
    The Import of FBA orders is anonymised for amazon_us
  • Amazon does NOT provide the buyer's name and postal address for Fulfilment By Amazon (FBA) orders in the US. Leaving the client name and address empty
    "Full_name" and "full_address" will be filled with value "Not provided by Amazon" automatically.
  • Refund amount is not correct
    Rounding of refund amounts
  • Rounding amounts in Lengow Orders is not correct
    Rounding of order amounts fixed

✅ Version 1.6.0 (released on 24-04-2024)

🎉 Feature

  • Return management
    Add return_tracking_number and return_carrier field if is optional argument and send this data in order action.

🔧 Bugfix

  • Missing shipping tax
    No shippingTax for b2b orders (tax exempted PST-21179)

✅ Version 1.5.2 (released on 15-04-2024)

🎉 Feature

  • Manage out of stock products
    New yes/no configuration fields for the export of out_of_stock products.

🔧 Bugfix

  • B2B orders without tax
    Correction on B2B orders to remove tax for UE countries.
    Improved identification of B2B orders for ManoMano.
  • Help Center links
    The URLs leading to Lengow's Help Center have been updated in the plugin.

✅ Version 1.5.1 (released on 13-12-2024)

🔧 Bugfix

  • When the tax configuration is set to include tax in the order, the value is incorrect
    Checking the tax configuration to adapt the calculation of the correct order price.
  • Signature change for RulesApplier
    Resolution by a union of type: array|Collection.
  • Customer email is empty in the billing or parcel delivery Json node
    Retrieve the email value from another node in the order json, if the basic value is not present, otherwise return an empty value.

✅ Version 1.5.0 (released on 07-02-2024)

🎉 Feature

  • Option to activate a Cron to return actions in error
    Order actions, in error over 7 days, will be returned automatically by activating the option in the plugin's parameters.

cron resent action.png

🔧 Bugfix

  • [import] Default delivery address when the customer has a new address
    The new delivery address for an existing customer will be updated when importing orders. 
  • mapping carrier not found return code
    During action “ship” if a carrier code is not found, plugin will apply a custom carrier.
  • Sync order number with Lengow api
    The plugin tries up to 5 times to retrieve the internal order number from Magento on the solution.

✅ Version 1.4.8 (released on 04-12-2023)

🔧 Bugfix

  • Tax-free b2b configuration per shop view on version 1.4
    The b2b tax-free configuration (yes/no) must be available for each shop view.

✅ Version 1.4.7 (released on 01-12-2023)

🔧 Bugfix

  • Environmental switch on version 1.4
    Switching between prod and preprod environment via configuration is now available.
  • Tax calculation on version 1.4
    Tax calculation in multi-site, multi-country mode must correspond to the Magento configuration.

✅ Version 1.4.6 (released on 20-11-2023)

🔧 Bugfix

  • [import] Vat number on the billing address on version 1.4
    Update this value on the order's billing address.
  • [import] Tax rounding (cent) on version 1.4
    Check and correct tax rounding (Lengow command - Magento command).
  • Plugin version on version 1.4
    Return the plugin version number from the composer.json file.
  • Carrier mapping on version 1.4
    Fix made to carrier mapping Marketplace - Magento.

✅ Version 1.4.5 (released on 30-10-2023)

🎉 Feature

  • Adding code to modified files
    Content of modified files is accessible via toolbox parameters.
  • Adding the email anonymisation option
    Adding email anonymisation option. By default the option is disabled.
  • Display of import parameters
    Adding the ability to view parameters initialised during imports.

🔧 Bugfix

  • [import] Vat number update error
    Following migrations to loaded accounts, the delivery ID changed and was no longer recognised by the plugin.
  • [import] Suite à des migrations à des comptes chargées, l’identifiant de livraison changeait et n'était plus reconnu par le plugin 
    Remove the "id_delivery" check when verifying orders that have already been imported.
  • [import] PHP 8.1 error
    Set values to a default value so that they are never "null".
  • [import] Catalogue attachment problem when first connecting to e-commerce platform.
    Adding a condition for checking shop data during synchronisation.
  • [export] Child product value is displayed in the parent field when empty
    Corrected behaviour when exporting child attributes.

✅ Version 1.4.4 (released on 06-06-2023)

🔧 Bugfix

  • [Import] Get email for send notification from plugin when value is null
  • [Import] Use Lamina_validator instead Send_validator for email validation
  • [Import] Unblocking import of customer address in orders
    String address data values defined
  • [Import] Fix error when importing orders caused by the CollectionFactory class
    Use of array instead
  • [Import] Fix errors data is null when using the character replacement function
  • [Export] Fix error when user save catalog linked to CMS in first connexion
    Addition of shop data verification condition during synchronization
  • [Export] Trouble exporting catalog
    Use ProductInterface instead of ProductInterceptor

✅ Version 1.4.3 (released on 12-01-2023)

🔧 Bugfix

  • [Export] Fix the deprecated error that blocked the export of the catalog from CMS and import of customer’s name in order with php 8.1

✅ Version 1.4.2 (released on 27-01-2022)

🎉 Features 

  • Removal of compatibility with Magento versions lower than 2.3
    Removed all code specific to older versions of Magento and cleaned up existing code. Switching the code to php 7.1
  • Adding the PHP version in the toolbox
    Adding the version of PHP installed on the client's server in the internal and external toolbox of the plugin
  • Modification of the fallback urls of the Lengow Help Center
    Modification of all plugin fallback urls following the migration of the Lengow Help Center from Stonly to Zendesk
  • Adding extra field update date in external toolbox
    Addition in the external toolbox of the date of update of the extra field allowing to visualize the status of an order at the time of import into the CMS.

🔧 Bugfix

  • [Import] Registering a specific customer group for a new customer
    Modification of the function creating the customer to take into account the customer group selected in the configuration. The problem came from the loadByEmail() function which overwritten the value initially entered
  • [Export] Fix a type error sometime happening while retrieving product shipping cost
    Added a forced typing on the return of the getShippingCost() method so that it always returns a float
  • [Export] Convert custom attribute values to string
    Implementation of additional security to convert all custom attribute values into character strings
  • [Import] Loading of order types at each order synchronization
    Fixed a bug to load all order types at each order synchronization. An order sent by the marketplace was no longer recognized as such if it encountered an error during the first synchronization
  • [Import] Checks if multi-stock is activated when sending the order
    Implementation of additional security on the multi-stock and the sending of the order when the customer has deactivated native Magento plugin

✅ Version 1.4.1 (released on 15-11-2021)

🔧 Bugfix

  •  Unblocking the synchronization process when an order is refunded 

    The getOrderState () function returned a "null" result while the php 7 typing only accepts a "string" type result. This format difference resulted in a fatal php error and the synchronization process blocked.

✅ Version 1.4.0 (released on 26-10-2021)

🎉 Features    

Integration of order synchronization in the toolbox webservice

  • Setting up synchronization over a given period, a time interval or for a specific order. Possibility of forcing synchronization to remove current errors and attempt to reimport the order. The webservice returns a detailed JSON containing the number of orders created, failed, ignored, updated or even badly formatted.

Retrieving the status of an order in the toolbox webservice

  • Integration of endpoints to retrieve the status of a Lengow order in the CMS. Recovery of all Lengow data for a specific order: list of errors, actions, status changes and all data necessary for support.

Removal of compatibility with Magento 2.0

  • Removal of all the code specific to version 2.0 of Magento 2 and cleaning of the existing code. Upgrade of the existing code to php 7.0 standard. This change may make the plugin incompatible with Magento 2.0 and clients still running on php 5.

✅ Version 1.3.2 (released on 14-09-2021)

🔧 Bugfix 

  • [Export] Fix retrieval of parent data on child products

Correction on the function indicating whether data should be retrieved from the child or the parent. The concern came from a strict check on a Magento getter that returned a value in string instead of an integer (despite the phpdoc information).

  • [Import] Replacing the special price with a custom price when importing orders

Correction of the function adding the products to the cart in order to force a custom price instead of the special price. This change should force Magento to use the entered price, rather than a price entered in the BO.

✅ Version 1.3.1 (released on 19-07-2021)

🎉 Features 

  • Integration of a new toolbox url

Outsourcing of the plugin toolbox via Webservice. The toolbox url allows you to retrieve all the plugin data: plugin summary, list of options, checksum of plugin files and list of available logs. It also allows you to download logs for a specific day or all. 

  • Adding an update modal in the plugin 

Implementation of a modal indicating that a new version of the plugin is available for download. This modal is displayed by default once a day when the plugin is obsolete. It contains all the information allowing the update (changelog version, update procedure and link to the support). It remains present continuously using a link in the header of the plugin.

🔧 Bugfix

  • Deletion of some catalog rules when importing orders 

Setting up a security in the plugin to remove certain catalog rules on products when importing orders from Lengow. 

  • Removal of FPT (Fixed Product Taxes) when importing orders 

Installation of an overload in the plugin to block the application of FPTs when importing orders from Lengow.

✅ Version 1.3.0 (released on 26-03-2021)

🎉 Features 

  • Implementation of the new connection process

Removal of the old connection system via Iframe and addition of several screens allowing the connection and mapping of catalogues.
🔧 Bugfix

  • [export] Added configurable product registration security  

Product type verification when registering configurable products to prevent a bundled product from being confused with a configurable.

  • [export] Correction on the mass selector for the 2.4.x versions of Magento  

Modification of the product grid template in order to make the mass selector functional again for the 2.4.x versions of Magento.  

  • [export] Addition of additional security on the export of multi-stock  

Implementation of additional security on multi-stock to avoid stopping the export process when the customer has voluntarily deactivated native Magento plugins.

✅ Version 1.2.3 (released on 28-10-2020)

🎉 Features 

  • [export] Multi-stock available with new 'quantity_' field

Multi-stock management during catalogue export. The "quantity" field now contains the sum of the different stocks and each stock has a "quantity_SourceName" field containing its respective stock. This option is only available on Magento 2.3.x version.

  • [import] B2B orders can now be imported without taxes

B2B type orders can now be imported tax free. To do this, you must activate the associated option in the plugin configuration. By default, B2B orders are imported with taxes.

  • Adding new links to the Lengow Help Center and Support

Implementation of the new Lengow Help Center urls on the dashboard as well as on the help page. Update of the form urls allowing the creation of support tickets (French and English).

🔧 Bugfix

  • [import] Correction of Customer::getName behavior

Modification of the conditions of the function "Customer::getName()" so that it correctly cuts out the first and last name of the customer when this information arrives in the "fullname" field of the api.

  • New security on pluginIsBlocked() function for php 7.4

Addition of a new condition on the instantiation of a variable in the "Sync::pluginIsBlocked()" function of the plugin to make it compatible with Magento 2.4.x and php 7.4.x.

  • Always load iframe in https

The connection iframe was no longer working in the plugin due to an http / https protocol error. The iframe is now loaded exclusively in https in order to solve this problem. 

✅ Version 1.2.2 (released on 10-06-2020)

 🎉 Features  

  • [import] Addition of order types in the order management screen
  • [import] Addition of the currency conversion option in the order option panel
  • [Export] Add option to select which field should be taken from parent products  

🔧 Bugfix 

  • [import] Refactoring of the creation of delivery and billing addresses
  • [import] prevent magento from applying discount in imported orders
  • Update of the access token when recovering an http 401 code

✅ Version 1.2.1 (released on 12-03-2020)

🔧 Bugfix

  • Addition of the http 201 code in the success codes

✅ Version 1.2.0 (released on 09-03-2020)

🎉 Features  

  • [import] Protection of the import of anonymized orders
  • [import] Protection of the import of orders older than 3 months
  • Refactoring and optimization of the connector class
  • Optimization of API calls for synchronisation of orders and actions
  • Display of an alert when the plugin is no longer up to date
  • Renaming from Preprod Mode to Debug Mode

🔧 Bugfix 

  • [import] Deleting order_date index on lengow_orders table
  • Refactoring and optimization of dates with the correct locale
  • [action] Improved carrier mapping with a strict then approximate search
  • [export] Recovery of correct shipping costs for each product
  • [import] Saving the marketplaces.json file in the Magento media folder
  • [import] Enhanced security for orders that change their marketplace name

✅ Version 1.1.5 (released on 10-01-2020)

🔧 Bugfix 

  • [export] compatibility with php 7.3 for mode size and total  

✅ Version 1.1.4 (released on 20-11-2019)

🎉 Features

  • Adding compatibility with php 7.3

🔧 Bugfix

  • [import] Tax rate recovery when product prices do not include tax
  • [import] Update address creation for compatibility with version 2.3.3

✅ Version 1.1.3 (released on 13-09-2019)

🔧 Bugfix 

  • Using factory process for the instantiation of marketplace
  • Dynamic recovery of the entity type id for the product attributes
  • [export] Checks whether an array-form product attribute contains another array
  • [toolbox] Adding security on the recovery of export files   

✅ Version 1.1.2 (released on 06-09-2019)

🎉 Features 

  • [action] Improved carrier mapping with search on carrier code and label

🔧 Bugfix

  • [import] Save tracking number during updating process   

✅ Version 1.1.1 (released on 09-07-2019)

🎉 Features 

  • [import] Optimization of the order recovery system
  • [import] Setting up a cache for synchronizing catalogs ids
  • [action] Refactoring and optimization of actions on orders

✅ Version 1.1.0 (released on 24-05-2019)

🎉 Features

  • Disabling the Lengow tracker and changing the product ID
  • Registering marketplace data in a json file
  • Optimization of API calls between PrestaShop and Lengow

🔧 Bugfix  

  • count() parameter must be an array for php 7.2
  • [action] Management of orders waiting to return from the marketplace
  • Update of the lengow_order table directly after the creation of the Magento order

✅ Version 1.0.3 (released on 20-03-2019)

🎉 Features

  • [action] Generating a generic error message when the Lengow API is unavailable
  • [import] Adding an error when a product does not have enough stock
  • [import] Import the order with the currency of the marketplace

🔧 Bugfix 

  • [import] Improved security to avoid duplicate synchronization
  • Initializing an empty array for log decoding   

✅ Version 1.0.2 (released on 07-01-2019)

🎉 Features

  • Adding links to the new Lengow help center

🔧 Bugfix  

  • [import] Changing the cron url with the default store
  • Correction on Lengow models dependency injection
  • [Export] Management of duplicate fields
  • Optimizing settings backup without cleaning the configuration cache
  • [import] Saving tracking data in the lengow_order table
  • [import] Optimizing the creation of the order with the given quote
  • Modifying css classes for compatibility with version 2.3
  • [import] Adding warning when the quote contains disabled products  

✅ Version 1.0.1 (released on 01-10-2018)

🎉 Features 

  • Adding refunded status to order filters
  • [export] Loading parent categories for products not visible individually
  • Protocol change to https for API calls
  • Managing delivery_date and custom_carrier parameters for sending action
  • Check and complete an order not imported if it is canceled or refunded

🔧 Bugfix 

  • Change css style for Lengow order status label
  • [action] Removing of action errors when orders are completed
  • [action] Deleting the shipping_date parameter in the action check request
  • Optimizing the display of errors in the order screen
  • Deleting the indefinite index user_id in the connector
  • [import] Fixed a multiple order import bug after the re-import action
  • [import] Resolving the client creation bug in the case of a multi-website magento
  • [export] Fixed the table name parameter in the clean log action
  • [import] Creating a new track only if the tracking number is present
  • [import] Correction of the from_lengow attribute on the customers 

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