Cdiscount - Attributes - Promotions and sales

Promotional offers

Fill in the following fields to display your promotional offers on Cdiscount:

  • StrikedPrice: Mainly noticed price (PVGC in French). It is a barred price to indicate how much the product is generally sold on the market. It has to be higher than the value filled in the Price field.
  • Price: Price of the product, which must be different and inferior to the one entered in the "StrikedPrice" field. 
Black Friday / French Days :  Cdiscount doesn't require any specific settings for these operations, but does invite you to set up a promotional offer or flash sales. 
For more information about promotions, refer to Cdiscount's HelpCenter.

French Sales

Fill in the following fields to display your sales prices on Cdiscount:

  • DiscountComponentSalesReferencePrice: reference price, on which the discount is calculated.
  • DiscountComponentDiscountValue: percentage of discount applied to the value in the "SalesReferencePrice" field. The value must be numeric, between 1 and 99 and without the sign "%".
    Note: if the discount percentage is not present in your Source Catalogue, you can calculate it from Lengow by setting up a formula via a Rule (and using in particular the CALC function).
  • Price: original price (not taken into consideration in this calculation).

Note : The "DiscountComponentType" and "DiscountComponentDiscountUnit" attributes, required by Cdiscount, are automatically filled in on our side as soon as you set up the Sales attributes mentioned above.

To setup different periods of promotions during the French Sales : amend the DiscountValue attribute the first day of the new period. Get a "rule" running to schedule these discount changes!

Cdiscount tip: French sales offers should be sent 72 hours before the operation starts.
Cdiscount usually sends an email with the specifications, if you haven't received it, contact Cdiscount.

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