Cdiscount - Attributes - Variations

Cdiscount accepts size variations only.
Variations are only possible on certain categories (Clothing, Sport, Rings, Shoes).

To manage variations, fill in the following fields (these attributes must remain empty for simple products):

  • SellerProductFamily: parent identifier (common to all variations for one product). This field is mandatory for products with variations. Providing this field will gather all variations of a product on one same product page.
  • SellerProductColorName: product color. This field is mandatory for products with variations.
  • Size: product size. Free value. This field is mandatory for products with variations.

Note: The description of all variants of a product must contain the same wording, and should not include any color or size.

Some of your products have size AND color variations in your catalogue?
Cdiscount doesn't recommend the double variation size and color for products displayed on the marketplace.

To send this type of product to Cdiscount, create a rule to add the value of the color to your field containing the parent ID in the SellerProductFamily field.
Example: $Id_parent$_$color$
Thus you will have in your catalogue different parent identifiers for each color variation, and your product will then be declined by size on Cdiscount.  
Parent products must be excluded from the feed sent to Cdiscount, if your products catalogue contains any.

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