Delphine Lignères
Activity overview
Latest activity by Delphine Lignères-
Delphine Lignères created an article, [BETA] 💡 Magento 2 - How to manage product bundles?
What is a bundle? A bundle product is a package deal you can create if you want to sell two or more items together.Here are three examples of typical bundles: A laser printer paired with extra ton...
Delphine Lignères created an article, 📣 Google - News - Sept 1st, 2024 - Mandatory EPREL certification attribute
Starting September 1st, the "energy_efficiency_class" attributes will be replaced by the "certification" attribute in URL and API structures. Your product data must be updated with this new attribu...
Delphine Lignères created an article, 🔧 OTTO - Error: "DIMENSIONIERUNG_UNGUELTIG / _NICHT_VORHANDEN / _WERTE_IDENTISCH"" - "Dimensioning invalid / not available / identical"
Error message: "DIMENSIONIERUNG_UNGUELTIG / _NICHT_VORHANDEN / _WERTE_IDENTISCH" - (Dimensioning invalid / not available / identical) This error occurs when a SKU is combined with other SKUs in a p...
Delphine Lignères created an article, 🔧 OTTO - Error: "MATERIALZUSAMMENSETZUNG_UNVOLLSTAENDIG" - Material composition incomplete
Error message: "MATERIALZUSAMMENSETZUNG_UNVOLLSTAENDIG" - Material composition incomplete This error occurs when the material specification in the "Material composition" field is not complete, whic...
Delphine Lignères created an article, 🔧 OTTO - Error: "MATERIALZUSAMMENSETZUNG_UNGUELTIG" - Material composition invalid
Error message: "MATERIALZUSAMMENSETZUNG_UNGUELTIG" (Material composition invalid) This error occurs when the material specification in the "Material composition" field is not valid, which would pot...
Delphine Lignères created an article, 🔧 OTTO - Error: "RECHTLICH_UNZULAESSIGE_BEGRIFFE" - "legally inadmissible terms"
Error message: "RECHTLICH_UNZULAESSIGE_BEGRIFFE" - (legally inadmissible terms) This error occurs when terms were used in the product description or in the content that are not allowed to be used o...
Delphine Lignères created an article, 🔧 OTTO - Error: "PARTNER_TESTPHASE" - "partner trial phase"
Error message: "PARTNER_TESTPHASE" (partner trial phase) This error occurs when merchants start at OTTO Market in a trial phase in which the item visibility is stillblocked for the end customer. To...
Delphine Lignères created an article, 🔧 OTTO - Error: "HAUPTBILDER_NICHT_VORHANDEN" - "main images not available"
Error message: "HAUPTBILDER_NICHT_VORHANDEN" (Main images not available) This error occurs when The images behind the image link provided in the product data do not meet the technical requirements ...
Delphine Lignères created an article, 🔧 OTTO - Error: "UNZULAESSIGE_BEGRIFFE" - "Inadmissible terms"
Error message: "OTTO_UNZULAESSIGE_BEGRIFFE" - "Inadmissible terms" This error occurs when terms were used in the product description or in the content that are not allowed to be used on e....
Delphine Lignères created an article, 💡 How to switch from production mode to the sandbox in WooCommerce?
When first installed, the plugin is by default set in production mode. To switch to the sandbox, follow these steps in your WooCommerce backoffice: Go to the settings page of your Lengow plugin on...