Only existing users of the Allegro marketplace in Lengow have access to this channel.
Please note that no future updates or new features will be added.
为了确保产品在allegro上的展示效果, 请检查您的产品目录是否满足 Products Catalogue 格式要求。
图片最大尺寸建议不超过 1,000 x 1,000 pixels。
Register as a seller to publish and sell your products on
产品目录内容必须为波兰语 (例如产品标题和描述等)。
Details of the concerned categories is here!
Allegro 给出以下建议
产品特性。例如 delivery options, price, condition 等, 产品特性填写越详细越好。
优质的内容。 例如标题、描述和图片。
促销活动 越多越容易引起买家关注。
从2019年开始,借助于EAN编码或者Allegro Product ID 可在该平台实现相同产品的集合。
Allegro 称其为 "Productization".
目的是为买家提供更好地产品购买体验,以轻松找到合适的产品和offer(s)的价格。 为此,您的产品将会被聚集组合到同一offer列表中。
- 为此,您的产品必须满足以下类别之一, 在Lengow里, 请确保正确填写相对应的EAN code或者 product ID 字区分:
Allegro requires, that at least 50% of your offers be assigned to a product in the categories mentioned below
- Culture and Entertainment,
- Beauty,
- Fashion
- Kids
- Home and Garden,
- Supermarket
- Health
- Electronics
- Sports and Tourism,
- Company and services
That at least 30% of your offers be assigned to a product in the categories mentioned below
- Automotive
In Lengow, make sure to complete the EAN code attribute if you know it or product ID for these categories.
Review this file to verify which sections of the categories Allegro is requesting 1% of the offers assigned to a product.
EAN Matching
If you know that an active offer related to your product exists in Allegro's database then provide :
- the EAN number (or product ID)
- price
- quantity
An active offer means that the category of your product exists with the same EAN code. Make sure your have matched the correct category in Lengow before completing the attributes above.
Add a channel catalogue
Add a allegro channel catalogue in your Lengow account.
All the data in your catalog must be sent in Polish (titles, description, etc.) to display on this marketplace.
Complete Attributes Matching
Match your products catalogue fields with the fields requested by the channel, based on fields definitions. If necessary, enter hard values, use functions and/or adapt the values by creating rules. For fields with valid values, select the suggested value or match with your products catalogue values.
Some fields are mandatory and must be completed. Other fields are optional but allegro recommends you to fill them in to improve your products visibility.
1. Set up special offers
- promotion-highlight:填写此字区分可以使产品以蓝色背景显示 。
- promotion-bold:填写此字区分可实现产品标题加粗的功能。
- promotion.Departmentpage:如果您使用此字区分,则您的产品将显示在您要列出产品的相应类别里(例如:消费电子、家庭和健康等)上。产品将显示在促销专用展示页中。该页面将显示您产品的缩略图,价格和标题。买家将被直接重新定向到您的商品页面。
- Badge campaign name:促销名称
- Badge campaign - market price:原价
- Badge campaign - market currency:原价货币。例如:PLN
- Badge campaign - promotional price:促销价。
- Badge campaign - promotional currency:促销价货币。例如:PLN
- Badge campaign name 即为 Wyprzedaż
2. Delivery methods & costs
- ID of the shipping rates your set in Allegro backoffice. Free shipping option can be set in Allegro in "Free shipping section". More info here.
It can be difficult to find the ID of values you've created in your Allegro back-office, please read this step to know how to do it. - handlingTime: (mandatory) Estimated time for delivery
3. Variations
You can create Multi-variant offers on Allegro by combining multiple offers of the sames product with some different parameters (usually color, size, or weight).
4. July 2021 VAT legislation
In Lengow complete the "VAT Settings" field in the Attributes Matching.
This field is available at the Category Attributes level.
5. Other attributes
- name
The title can contain a maximum of 50 characters. Focus on creating informative and relevant titles.
- description
h1 - title
Photos can't be added in description using html code.
Don't add any information related to your policy return, warranties, contact details or shipping prices. Use the dedicated specific attributes to send this information. Also, don't add any links to external websites or suggest that buyers should contact you before making a purchase.
- images
6. Where to find id for values created in your allegro backoffice?
For the above fields, allegro expect an ID.
This ID is created by allegro when you create a value in your allegro back-office.
You cannot find this ID in your allegro account.
Therefore, Lengow invites to fill in the value you want to assign to your product/s in your Lengow account (in the Attributes Matching or with a Rule). The value which you indicates has to be exactly the same as the one you created in your allegro back-office (same case, same spelling).
Lengow will then match this value to the ID retrieved from your account via the allegro API, to send the corresponding allegro ID.
If the value you've filled in in Lengow doesn't match with one of the value from your backoffice, the product will be in error. Please read the integration report and get back to the Attibutes Matching to change the value if necessary.
Manage exclusions
There is no offer restrictions for this marketplace. You can send all types of offers.
You need more info at this stage of your setup ?
Follow usual advices regarding Exclusions.
Preview your data
Check the data you are about to send to the channel at the "Preview" step.
Configure your Options
Make sure your shop and Allegro account are activated and click on "Connect to Allegro", Lengow will do the rest!
Launch the channel catalogue
After the first launch, two separate feeds will automatically be sent to allegro by API:
- Products: it allows the integration and creation of products. It is sent every 4 hours.
- Offers: it allows the update of prices, stock ... It is sent every hour.
Read Integration Reports
These reports list only items which were rejected by Allegro. For each product in error, Allegro specifies the reason for the rejection.
Integration reports are available and downloadable from Lengow in: "Channel" tab > select "Allegro" > click on "Activity"
Edit a product file
Check our usual guidelines to edit your data.
- Edit "product data"
- Edit "offer data" : Data is automatically updated as soon as the offer feed is sent out(the frequency is indicated at the "Launch the channel catalogue" step).
Stop advertising / Delete a product
To stop advertising an offer on allegro, read general recommendations.
Manage your orders
You can manage your orders in the Lengow platform.
Lengow retrieves orders placed on allegro website every hour.
1. Order processing
Orders go through various statuses in Lengow while being processed.
2. Statuses of allegro orders
READY_FOR_PROCESSING ("waiting_shipment"): order is awaiting for shipment. At this status you can:
- Confirm shipment, enter the carrier and the parcel tracking number/URL.
or - Cancel or refund the order (specify the reason for the refund).
SHIPPED: Order has been sent and shipment is in progress.
CANCELLED: order cancelled by merchant or customer.
REFUNDING : order is being refunded
REFUNDED: order has been refunded by merchant
- Support:
- Help center categories
Channel's news
Find here the latest changes/communications from the channel and what you have to do in Lengow:
- To sum up
When listing or editing an offer, regular accounts on Allegro will no longer have the option to select one of four options for the "payments.invoice" field. VAT, VAT_MARGIN and WITHOUT_VAT will no longer appear.
- What you have to do in Lengow
- If you have a company account, you don't have to do anything.
- If you have a regular account:
- Before May 30th, change your account status from "regular account" to "company account" to continue to choose one of four options as it has been possible until know.
VAT - VAT invoice,
VAT_MARGIN - VAT margin invoice,
WITHOUT_VAT - invoice without VAT,
NO_INVOICE - non-VAT invoice. - From May 30th, if you still use a regular account you will be able to choose only the "NO_INVOICE" option.
If no action is taken, new products will not be publish and offers will also not be updated.
- Original message
From May 30th, 2022, if you have a regular account, you will not be able to list a new offer with the invoice option.
How does it work now?
When you list or edit an offer, you can select one of four options for the payments.invoice field:
VAT - VAT invoice,
VAT_MARGIN - VAT margin invoice,
WITHOUT_VAT - invoice without VAT,
NO_INVOICE - non-VAT invoice.
What will we change on May 30th, 2022?
If you have a regular account, we will remove the option to select VAT, VAT_MARGIN and WITHOUT_VAT. We will not change anything in the ongoing offers, but you will have to choose NO_INVOICE to:
edit an offer,
take advantage of automatic relisting of offers.
What can you do to continue invoicing customers?
Until May 30th, 2022, change the status of your account to the company.
- To sum up
Allegro is making changes to the categoriy layout:
- The "Antiques and Art" category is now divided into the categories "Design and Antiques" and "Pieces".
- The "Toys" category has a new sub-category "Magnetic Balls".
- The category "RTV and Appliances" has a new sub-category "Tobacco Heater".
The selling costs remain the same.
- What you have to do in Lengow
Make sure to check your category mapping if you are affected by these changes.
- To sum up
allegro will increase the minimum rates for products grouped on a known offer. Make sure you meet the new conditions in order to be able to add new products to the relevant categories after 1 March.
- What you have to do in Lengow
Make sure you send allegro, via your Lengow feed, as many EAN codes as possible for the products you wish to publish, in order to meet allegro's new expectations (see table below detailing the categories concerned and the associated rates).
- Original message
On March 1st, 2022 we will increase the the percentage of offers connected to the Allegro Product Catalog in the following categories:
We want as many offers in those categories to be cataloged as possible. That is why we will start requiring offers to be linked to the Catalog in additional subcategories from March 1st.
If a seller will not meet this condition, it will be not available to list new offers in those categories, if current offers are not assigned to a product.
Note! We are planning for all newly listed and relisted offers to be linked to the Product Catalog at the beginning of the second half of the year.
See our guides where you can check:
how to search for products,
how to list an offer assigned to a product with one request,
how to assign product to an offer,
how to list an offer assigned to a product that is not in our database.
You can use GET /sale/offers with parameter to check which offers are not associated with a product.
- To sum up
allegro will not allow offers without a shipping price list anymore.
- What you have to do in Lengow
You have nothing to do in Lengow, since orders management already require shipping price list to be filled in. Nevertheless, if you are managing orders from your allegro back-office, make sure you are meeting allegro's new requirement.
- Original message
On February 22th, 2022, we will finish offers without a shipping price list. Allegro REST API does not allow you to list an offer without a shipping price list, but sellers still have such offers (listed in the past via the form and WebAPI).
You can search for active offers without a shipping price list via GET /sale/offers?
On February 8th, we will block the possibility of republishing offers without a shipping price list,
On February 22th, we will end all ongoing offers without a shipping price list.
- To sum up
The 20th of January, allegro will delete some categories from its taxonomy.
- What you have to do in Lengow
In your Lengow account, go to the Category Matching from your allegro feed. Make sure all of your categories are matched with allegro taxonomy. Match the categories which would be unlinked.
- Original message
According to our previous announcement, we would like to inform you that from January 20th, 2022, we will start merging next category duplicates on the seller side.
How to track category merging?
Use the category events journal - GET /sale/category-events. The "CATEGORY_DELETED" event indicates that the category has been removed, and in the "redirectCategory" field you will find the ID of the category with which the deleted category was merged.
How does merging categories affect offers and products?
We will make the parameters consistent in all merged categories, so offers and products will contain the latest data - sellers will not have to make any changes. Due to the fact that the change affects merging categories only on the seller’s side, buyers will be able to see offers in two different categories.[...]
- To sum up
- What you have to do in Lengow
Use Rules to adapt values if needed.
- Original message
Product parameters affect the quality of the seller's offers and make it easier to search for goods on Allegro.
Starting from 1st of December 2021, at least 10% of offers from Automotive category must be assigned to a product.
Read this step.
- To sum up
- What you have to do in Lengow
- Original message