Step 1
If you have access to the WooCommerce plugin interface, proceed to step 2
- Click on the plugin entry point in the left panel. Once the page is loaded, in the URL of the page, add "&tab=lengow_admin_settings"
- Proceed to Step 2
Step 2
- Go to the settings page of your Lengow plugin on WooCommerce
- Scroll down on the settings page until you find the "Debug Mode" section
- Enable debug mode to reveal the fields "Account ID", "Token", and "Secret"
- Replace the values in "Token" and "Secret" with the new tokens
- Save at the bottom while leaving the debug mode enabled
- Disable debug mode
- Save again
Need to renew your Lengow API keys?Â
To get a new access token and a new secret, read the dedicated FAQ:
💡 API - How to renew my Lengow API key?