

Kaufland.de was formerly known as Real.de

Contact Kaufland to know if you are eligible to sell your products on their website.

To display your products on this marketplace, check that your products catalogue contains the data normally required by Lengow.

EAN matching

Kaufland.de allows EAN matching, i.e. if your products have already been created by the marketplace by another reseller, you don't need to send the "products" values usually required to create the product ad on this channel. mapping is done on the basis of the EAN code.

For these products, contact your Kaufland.de account manager to know which data you have to send.


  • Categories mapping isn't required
  • Regarding Attributes mapping, only offers fields have to be filled in:
    • ID
    • EAN
    • Quantity
    • Price
    • PreparationTime
    • Delivery method and costs attributes
    • ...

Add a channel

Add a Kaufland channel in your Lengow account.

We recommend defining a Segment within your product catalogue to only configure and send the products you want to publish on this channel.

Map Categories

Map your categories using "Categories mapping".

Complete Attributes mapping

Map your products catalogue fields with the fields requested by the channel, based on fields definitions. If necessary, enter hard values, use functions and/or adapt the values by creating rules. For fields with valid values, select the suggested value or map with your products catalogue values.
If a value is missing in the drop-down menu, please contact your channel account manager and ask for the creation of the concerned value.

Some fields are mandatory and must be completed for your products to be created or updated. Other fields are optional but the channel recommends you fill them in to improve your products visibility.

1. Set up your special offers/sales

Fill in the following attributes:

  • price: the price of the item in  Eurocents (for example 499 instead of 4,99). Must be an integer.
  • price_cs: the price of the item in Euros separated by commas (for example 12,99).
    If the "price" attribute AND the "price_cs" attribute contain values, Kaufland.de will only use the values of the "price" attribute. 
  • list_price: manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) of the product. Format: must contain a number and a unit suffix. Example (in Euro cents): 1299ct
  • minimum_price: Price of the "automatic lowest price" Kaufland.de option in Eurocents (minimum price you want to offer, for example 499 for € 4,99) 
  • minimum_price_cs: Price of the Kaufland.de option "automatic lowest price" in Euros separated by commas (for example 499 for 4,99 €) 
    If the "minimum_price" attribute AND the "minimum_price_cs" attribute contain values, Kaufland.de will only use the values ​​of the "minimum_price" attribute.

How to transform your prices in euro cents format? (price attribute)

  • Multiply your values by 100 to get Euro cent values. 

or ROUND(CALC($your_field_prix*100),0)

Black Friday

To participate to Kaufland's Black Week, offer discounts in the form of vouchers. Create these vouchers in the Services section of your Kaufland Seller Portal. Read more on vouchers

2. Delivery method and costs

You can specify the shipping group that you want to apply for your offers within the "id_shipping_group" attribute.
Please note that you need to create and configure your shipping groups in your Kaufland.de seller account first.

More information in the Kaufland Seller University

3. Variation values

Kaufland.de accepts variation settings. But it is not possible to set variations in the Lengow platform, as Kaufland.de uses an automated process.

In order for their system to recognize variants, make sure to provide the same title and description for each affected product. One distinctive feature in the title and description is sufficient.
Example: "Nike rounded T-Shirt „Speed“, Black" and "Nike rounded T-Shirt „Speed“, White" will be identified as variants of the same product.

Parent products must be excluded from the feed sent to Kaufland, if your catalogue contains any.  

4. Other specific settings

4.1 EAN

The marketplace Kaufland.de accepts only 13-character EAN codes.
Make sure that your source catalogue contains valid EAN-13 codes for all your products.

4.2 VAT legislation

To be compliant withe the VAT legislation, complete the "id_warehouse" attribute, if your are affected (please refer to the attribute's description in Lengow).
Additional information will be provided at the orders management step to let you know whether you have to collect the VAT or not for each order.

4.3 EPREL regulation

In Lengow, fill in the "eprel_ID" field in the attribute mapping.

eprel ID.png

4.4 General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR)

To comply with the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) applicable from December 13, 2024, you must provide to Kaufland the following information about your products through attributes available in Lengow:

  • Enter contact information for product safety "product_safety_contact". "product_safety_contact.name_01"; "product_safety_contact.phone_number_01; "product_safety_contact.email_address_01"; "product_safety_contact.address_01"
  • Fill in information about product compliance with the CE certificate "ce_certificate".
    The certificate should be uploaded as a file (accepted formats: jpg, gif, svg, png, pdf).
  • Give Safety instructions for each product "safety_guidelines".

4.5 Images

Provide the product's image URLs in the "picture" attributes. Requirements:

  • Standard size: At least 1024px in height or width
  • Zoom function: At least 2048px in height or width
  • Number of images: 5 to maximum 10 pictures from different perspectives / detail shots
  • Maximum file size: 10 MB
  • Background: white (at least for the main picture)

4.6 Material composition

To comply with the EU Textile Regulation, all products containing at least 80% textile fibers must be labeled accordingly.

In the "material_composition" attribute, provide each material in German with a percent sign "%", separated by commas.

  • 75% Baumwolle, 24% Polyamid, 1% Elasthan
  • 100% Polyester

Details in this Kaufland documentation.

4.7 "count" and "quantity"

The available stock of a product must be indicated in the "count" attribute of your Kaufland channel. It is present among the common attributes.

It should not be confused with the "quantity" attribute, which is available for certain categories and is used to indicate the number of units in the case of a batch.

If a product is a batch of 2 pillowcases and there are 155 batches in stock, then:
"count" = 155 and "quantity" = 2

Manage your Exclusions

Follow the usual instructions for exclusions for this channel:

Are there product variations in your catalogue? Check whether the parent products should be excluded or not in the step dedicated to variations.

Preview your data

Check the data you are about to send to the channel at the "Preview" step.

Configure your Options

  • Secret key: To retrieve it, log in your Kaufland.de seller account, go to the "API" tab and then to "Händlereinstellungen" > "Shop Einstellungen". Click on the "Zugangsdaten neu generieren" button if you haven't generated a key yet.
  • Client key: To retrieve it, log in your Kaufland.de seller account, go to the "API" tab and then to "Händlereinstellungen" > "Shop Einstellungen". Click on the "Zugangsdaten neu generieren" button if you haven't generated a key yet.

Launch the channel catalogue

  • Before sending your data to Kaufland.de, check that your Kaufland.de seller store has been created.

Two distinct feeds are sent to Kaufland.de through API:

  • Product Feed: enables products integration and creation. It is sent to Kaufland.de once a day (around 1 am).
    If your products are free from errors, they will be created on Kaufland.de.
  • Offer Feed: enables the update of prices, stock, etc. It is sent to Kaufland.de every hour.

Read channel reports

Product and offer channel reports generated by Kaufland.de are not available in Lengow.

You must log in your Kaufland.de Seller Portal to retrieve the "Invalid Item" report.
Then, click on "Reports" -> Request reports -> Information about product-data -> Invalid items -> Request report.
Link: https://sellerportal.kaufland.de/reports/request  

Screenshot 2024-10-07 155058-20241010-082515.png

Edit a product file

  • Edit "product data": Contact your channel account manager to edit this data.

  • Edit "offer data": Data is automatically updated as soon as the offer feed is sent out (refer to the "Launch the channel catalogue" step).

Unpublish/Delete an offer

Manage your orders

You can manage your orders in the Lengow platform.

1. Order retrieval

Lengow retrieves orders placed on the channel website every 15 minutes.

2. Order processing

Orders go through various statuses in Lengow while being processed.

New orders are automatically accepted by Kaufland.de. Therefore, Kaufland.de orders appear directly in the "Waiting_shipment" status on Lengow.

  • Waiting_shipment. The order has been accepted and is awaiting for shipment. Here is what you can do at this stage:
    • Confirm order shipment. Specify the tracking number and carrier name to ship the order.
    • Cancel the order. Specify the cancel reason.
    • Make a refund (see next step).
  • Shipped. The order has been shipped. At this stage, you can make a refund (see next step).
  • Canceled. the order has been cancelled. At this stage, you can make a refund (see next step).

VAT Legislation

You will find in your Kaufland backoffice dashboards and report to let you know whether collecting VAT is manage by the marketplace or you as a seller.

When the "is_marketplace_deemed_supplier" field is "true": Kaufland.de collects VAT for this order.

If you receive an order which is only partially affected (you have to collect VAT for some products only), Kaufland will create two separate orders with different order numbers.

3. Order refund

Kaufland.de does not allow for a full refund of orders, but compensation to the end customer

Shipping costs cannot be refunded.

This means that the end customer will receive part of the amount originally paid in return for his or her refund request.

To refund a whole order, Kaufland.de requests you to cancel the order.


  • In the case of a partial refund request of an order
    the end customer will receive the price of the product, from which 0.01€ will be deducted. 
  • If 2 products are compensated on an order containing 3 or more products, the end customer will receive the sum of the price of both products, from which 0.01€ will be deducted.&

Proceed to the refund from your Lengow account ("Orders" tab) or through Lengow API.


Kaufland Support:

Kaufland documentation:

Channel's news

Find here the latest changes/communications from the channel and what you have to do in Lengow:

January 2023 - Migration to V2 of Kaufland's API
  • To sum up

Kaufland is migrating to the V2 version of its API. As a result of this API migration, Kaufland requires new attributes to be completed in order to keep your products published on Kaufland.de.
The new attributes will be available in Lengow on January 31st, 2023.

  • What you have to do in Lengow

At the Attributes mapping step, make sure that the required attributes listed below in the original message are filled in once they are available. 

  • Original message

Dear Partners,

We want to inform you that we will soon migrate Kaufland API from V1 to V2.

Expected changes and impacts on product feed and offers:

New required fields (customers need to ensure this information is available in their catalogue and will need to do the mapping when the migration happens to keep publishing their products on Kaufland):

  • locale:
    • new required field
    • Description: The locale parameter (e.g. de-DE) allows merchants to provide different product data for the different languages and dialects spoken in different countries.
  • condition:
    • was optional in V1, is required in V2
    • Description: The condition of the product. (only numbers can be submitted)
    • List of allowed values for condition:
      • 100 : New
      • 200 : Used - As new
      • 300 : Used - Very good
      • 400 : Used - Good
      • 500 : Used - Acceptable
  • currency:
    • new required field
    • Description: The currency the prices are provided in.
  • handling_time:
    • new required field
    • Description: The amount of working days till the order will be handed over to the carrier. Has to be equal to or bigger than zero [>=0].

Optional fields:

  • id_offer:
    • was required in V1, is optional in V2 and renamed to id_offer
    • Description: An identifier from the seller which can be used for tracking. This is also used to connect offers over multiple storefronts
  • shipping_group (optional) becomes id_shipping_group
  • warehouse (optional) becomes id_warehouse

Removed fields:

  • delivery_time_min, delivery_time_max
    • were required in V1, are removed in V2

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