Warning Message: code 21919456 : For multi-version ads, the value of the international material code must be specified for each version.
The problem lies with the attribute "Product Code" (EAN, UPC, ISBN, MPN or Brand) which is not valid for the product sent.
A version for eBay is a variation, a "child" product.
- This message is a Warning, which does not prevent the publication of the product.
However, it is usually accompanied by the error 21919301: The EAN field has not been filled.
Solve and prevent the error:
- Check the entered value for the EAN, MPN, and Brand attributes
- If these attributes are correctly filled in, it is possible that the product is still being integrated on the eBay side. Resend a feed to the marketplace and wait for the next report
- Check the publication of your product on eBay