Cdiscount - Attributes - Specific settings

Product Title

Fill in the product title attribute with a maximum of 132 characters.
Here is the full list of values accepted in the title:


The "DescriptionNoHTML" attribute is used to send a description without HTML to Cdiscount.
It must be complete, precise and describe the product's characteristics. It must not contain offer data (warranty, price, delivery, etc.).
HTML and pictograms are not accepted.
420 characters maximum.

Also, Cdiscount accepts that you send all attributes information using this attribute. Cdiscount will be able to recover this information and reclassify it so that it appears at the right place in the characteristics of the product sheet.
To do so, send your attributes following this example:
Title SKU - Genre - Collection ; Style : X ; Type : X ; Collection : X ; Age : X ; Material : X ; Color : X ; Size : X


This is the marketing description of the product, which must describe the product in detail. It appears in the "Product Presentation" tab.
DO NOT complete with offers information (warranty, price, delivery, packaging, etc.).
Must not exceed 5000 characters. Pictograms not allowed.
HTML code is allowed in the Description attribute, except for these codes:
<href> <font> <table> <tr> <td> <th> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <body>

Here is the full list of values accepted in the description: \p{Ll}\p{Lu}\p{Lm}\p{N}\p{P}\p{Sm}\p{Sc}\p{Zs}\p{Cc}°©®™°C°FKcm²m²cm³m³


Fill in the "LongLabel" attribute with the product title, with a maximum of 132 characters.
The long label is the one that appears on the product sheet. It's the element that identifies the product on the website.
HTML, pictograms and other special characters are not permitted. Do not include variation information (color, size).
In this title, Cdiscount requests including the product type (using the terms from the selected Cdiscount category), as well as the brand and model.
Structure: [Brand] - [Product type] - [Description keywords] - [Model] (for technical products) - [Type] (if relevant)
Example: "Télévision SAMSUNG - LED TV 3D Smart TV UE 65F6400"


The short label appears in the shopping cart and on customer invoices. The label must identify the product precisely.
30 characters maximum.
Example: Brand + SKU


The image file resolution must be less than 3000x3000px and greater than 500x500px.

Accepted formats: jpg, jpeg, png, gif

General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR)

To comply with the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) applicable from December 13, 2024, you must declare your Responsible Economic Operators (REOs) for your non-food products sold on Cdiscount.

Follow Octopia's process to communicate your products' REOs: fill in this file and send it to with your seller ID.
A page in your seller area will soon be available to upload the file.

Read more in Octopia's Help Center

Anti-waste law (AGEC)

To get compliant with the AGEC law, you have to send your IDU to Cdiscount by opening a new request to the Cdiscount seller support:

  • Request type: "My Account",
  • Subtype: "Submit my IDU sellers and suppliers".

Sellers are also requested to display the amount of the eco-participation for the products of the WEEE and Furniture Waste sectors, via the corresponding attributes "EcoPart" and "DeaTax".
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