Shopware 6 - Update the plugin version

Prerequisite: Get the new version of the Lengow plugin, zip file.

You do not need to uninstall the old version of the plugin and it is not recommended.

STEP 1: Install the new plugin version

  • Go to Settings > System > Plugin
  • Click on "Upload plugin"
  • Select the new Lengow version file (.zip)

STEP 2: Check the plugin version

  • Check that the "Activated" button is checked.
  • We recommend you to empty the cache after this operation, you can do it from Settings > System > Cache & indexes > Clear Cache
  • Check the version of Lengow plugin has correctly changed by going to any page and looking at the footer.
Download the latest version of the Lengow plugin (zip file) by clicking on the pop-up present at the top of any page in your plugin access. If you see this pop-up it means your version is outdated.

If you are unable to access this pop-up, request the latest version of the plugin from our support team.



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