Magento 2 - Install the Lengow plugin

It is recommended to enable the cache at "System" > "Cache Management" before installing any extension.

To install the plugin, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the extension ZIP file and extract it to a directory on your computer (using a tool like WinRar, WinZIP or similar).

Step 2: Upload the extracted folders and files into the root directory of your Magento installation. The root directory of Magento is the folder that contains the directories "app", "bin", "lib" and more. (All folders should map the existing folder structure).

Step 3: Connect via SSH and run the following commands (make sure to run them as the user who owns the Magento files!)
  • php bin/magento module:enable Lengow_Connector
  • php bin/magento maintenance:enable ; php bin/magento setup:upgrade ; php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy ; php bin/magento maintenance:disable
Step 4: Go to "System" > "Cache Management" and click both the "Flush Magento Cache" as well as the "Flush Cache Storage" button. This is required to activate the extension.

Connect the plugin to your Lengow Account

Click on "Connecter my cms with Lengow" and add your api settings from Lengow account (api token and secret).
You'll find this informations in your general setting section "API".

Connection steps are detailed here!

Once the connection has been done, on the homepage, you will find:

  • an access to products to export to the Lengow platform
  • an access to information on orders imported from Lengow
  • the plugin main settings
  • a Help Center access and contact to our Support Team



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