The mandatory "brand" attribute previously filled with a free value will be replaced by a new one which has to be filled with a value that belongs to the ManoMano Brand List.
Moreover, the description length must be at least 60 characters long.
What you have to do in Lengow
Lengow provides the "new_brand" attribute which can already be filled in with a value belonging to the ManoMano Brand List. On the 29th of January 2024, the old "brand" attribute will be removed from your feed.
From today until the 29th of January:
- Choose the right value to fill in the "new_brand" attribute. We recommend using a rule with a conversion list.
If your brand is not present, contact ManoMano to have it created.
- Update the description to map the minimum of 60 characters long required.
With no action on your part before the 29th of January, new products will be rejected by ManoMano.