Fnac Darty (Mirakl) - Attributes - Specific settings

The detailed list of all required and recommended attributes is available in your Mirakl back-office.
Read our dedicated article.

Configuration requirements:

  • The quantity of your products must be included between 0 and 999.
  • The "description" field may contain a maximum of 4000 characters. It must contain only information about the product (no notion of warranty, shipping costs or after-sales service).
    Do not use quotation marks or hyphens. HTML is recommended.
    Ask your Fnac Darty account manager for a guide.
  • The "label" field is a maximum of 200 characters and follows the following mandatory format: [product type][brand][reference/specifics][Color][Age][Other information].
  • Use the "AdditionalDescription" attribute to embed a product description (up to 4000 characters)
  • Your prices must be included between 1 and 20 000 euros.
  • Use a point (.) instead of a comma (,) as decimal separator.
  • The field "seller manufacturer" (=brand) must be filled in for all products. Enter "None" if necessary.
  • The image link must be in .jpg or .png format (15 MB maximum).
  • The size of your visuals must be less than 2040 x 2040 px.

Anti-waste law (AGEC)

As part of the AGEC law, Fnac Darty is asking clients the number of products to take back at delivery when purchasing a bulky product of the WEEE or Furniture Waste sector. 

This information is provided in the orders API (in the "nb_products_to_take_back" field) as well as in Fnac Darty's back-office. 

More info on the anti-waste law in the dedicated article.

VAT legislation 

At the "waiting_shipment stage", shipping from country have to be filled in to be compliant with legislation.

If you do not enter this information when accepting the order, or if you use the automatic acceptance feature in Lengow, the default shipping country will be taken into account. 

This can be set directly via your Fnac.com seller back office.  


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