🔧 OTTO - Error: "HAUPTBILDER_NICHT_VORHANDEN" - "main images not available"

Error message: "HAUPTBILDER_NICHT_VORHANDEN" (Main images not available)

This error occurs when The images behind the image link provided in the product data do not meet the technical requirements OTTO defined for images.

To avoid this, it should be ensured that at least one image link with mediaType=IMAGE is sent and, ideally, that there is also an image behind it that meets the technical requirements. Then the content check follows which can also lead to the same error.

More information about the requirement by OTTO below:

Original Provided message

  • Media data

This following data serves as an overview for all technical and content requirements
OTTO has with regard to media data.
If you are looking for information on the general upload process of media data, please read here:
• UI: Neue Produkte anlegen (Create new products)
• API: API-Documentation (Products > V2 > MediaAsset)
In addition to the content-related product data, the so-called media data is essential for the complete creation & presentation of your products in the OTTO app and on the OTTO website. For a product to go live, at least one image must be provided per variant. If further media data is required for the product type used for legal reasons (e.g. energy efficiency label, product data sheets, safety instructions, etc.), this must also be stored accordingly.
To ensure successful processing of the images, a limit of 10 images per variant should not be exceeded. Please always make sure to comply with both the technical and content requirements when uploading images.

  • Technical requirements

    • For product images, the file type JPG or PNG must be used; for documents PDF.
    • The minimum dimensions for images are 500x1000 px (also applies to color tiles and energy labels).
    • The file name must not contain special characters or umlauts.
    • Only images with the RGB color space can be processed. Other color spaces such as CMYK are technically not permitted.
    • The maximum page length for images is 4500 px.

  • Content requirements:

    • The product image may only show the product matching the product description and must correspond to the associated product variant.
    • The main image should be imported as a cropped image, otherwise it has a light, neutral image background (example: light gray, white, offwhite, light beige, etc.).
    • The product makes up 85% of the image area.
    • Use few or no props (and be sure to make it clear that they are not included).
    • Energy efficiency information must be submitted as such and NOT shown in the product images.

  • The following content is not allowed in the product photos according to our
    terms of use:
    • Merchants company names and logos
    • Texts, icons or drawings on the main images
    • Brand logos
    • Watermarks
    • Certifications incl. logos, licenses, test seals (e.g. FSC®, Ökotex, TÜV) on the main images
    • Free supplements
    • Information about prices
    • Children's underwear / children's swimwear on the model
    • Pornographic content (female or male nipples, female or male genitalia,
    • Discriminatory content (social and ethnic discrimination, sexual or gender discrimination, discrimination on the basis of age, religion, disability, etc.) in the form of image, text (example: slogan shirt) and product (example: costume disguises that defame ethnic groups)
    • National Socialist content (forbidden and unambiguous signs, numbers and abbreviations)
    • Content glorifying violence or war (depiction of weapons, etc.)

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