Lengow's sandbox

The sandbox is a test environment, as opposed to the production environment, which is the live Lengow platform. 

The Lengow sandbox is accessible on request for a 15-day period (renewable), without time restrictions.

Note: It is possible to switch from production mode to the sandbox in the Lengow Plugin settings.
Find how to switch from the production mode to the sandbox for PrestaShop, Magento, Shopware and WooCommerce.  

When to use the sandbox?

The sandbox is useful for: 

  • Testing the installation of the Lengow plugin and its connection to your e-commerce platform.
    Non available for Shopify.
  • Generating a fictitious standard order to test its recovery on your e-commerce platform or via API. Please note that no action is possible on the fictitious orders generated.

Please note that Lengow does NOT recommend the sandbox for the following tests:

  Integration of orders from a specific marketplace: the standard orders generated in the sandbox are the same regardless of the selected marketplace. 

  Marketplace configuration: the data exchanged via the sandbox have no "real" interaction with the tested marketplace. To view the structure of a marketplace, add it directly to the production environment (your data will not be sent until you have established an API connection).

  Importing your catalogue into Lengow: it can be done directly on the production environment.

 HTTPS Requirement: To synchronize a testing environment, it is essential to use HTTPS with a valid SSL certificate. It is not possible to connect an environment using HTTP or an HTTPS certificate that is invalid.
If you need a temporary SSL certificate for your test environment, consider the following solutions: ZeroSSL, Freenom, Cloudflare SSL, Ngrok.

How to access the sandbox?

Note that the settings you make on the sandbox cannot be transferred to the production environment. 

How to create fictitious standard orders?

To add test orders, you must configure your sandbox and add a channel. Here are the steps to follow:

Once these steps are completed, contact our Support team so that they can implement fictitious standard orders in your sandbox.  

About fictitious orders

The purpose of these standard orders is to verify that the import of orders is correctly carried out in your system. The fictitious orders are always built according to the same model, regardless of the chosen marketplace. 
Thus, test orders differ from real orders that you will receive on the production environment, especially in terms of the values within the fields that can vary depending on the marketplaces.

To perform a test on an order from a particular marketplace, we recommend that you complete these sandbox tests with a live order test on the production environment, by ordering a test product that you have published.


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