Veepee or Privalia?
Veepee and Privalia are two distinct websites, both belonging to the same company: Veepee.
In Lengow, select the channel corresponding to your target website and country. Note: In Spain and Italy, both Veepee and Privalia are available.
All settings are similar for Veepee and Privalia.
Register with Veepee / Privalia
Contact Veepee/Privalia to know if you are eligible to sell your products on their website.
To sign up as a merchant on Veepee/Privalia, please fill in this form on their website
- For Privalia Italy, you may also contact Andrea Carobolante ( or Silvia Stevaraglia, Head of Marketplace Italy (
- For Privalia Spain, you may also contact Ana Martin (
To distribute your products on Veepee/Privalia, check that your products catalogue contains the data normally required by Lengow.
Contact Veepee
For any technical support once you are launched, please contact your dedicated Brand Support, or the following email addresses depending on the country:
- France: or
- Spain:
- Italy:
- Belgium & Netherlands:
Additional information is available on the Veepee BrandsPlace documentation website
Contact Privalia
- : Use this email address if you face any issues when sending/uploading your products.
- : Use this email address for any issues/questions you may have after your products integration.
Other contacts for Privalia Spain: /
Add a Veepee or Privalia channel in Lengow
Add a Veepee or Privalia channel catalogue in your Lengow account.
We recommend defining a Segment within your catalogue to only configure and send the products you want to publish on this channel.
- For Veepee, the following countries are available : France, Spain, Italy, Belgium FR, Belgium NL, Netherlands and Germany.
- For Privalia, you may choose Privalia IT (Italy) or Privalia ES (Spain).
Tip: Settings can be duplicated when adding another country:
- The source catalogue must have the same structure for the different countries.
Please note that same categories may have different mandatory attributes per country. - Only the title, description and notice fields are not duplicated.
Let's get started!
Always follow the same steps to set up a channel in Lengow, as detailed in this article.
The information in the following articles focuses on the settings specific to Veepee / Privalia.
Click on "Next" below to continue reading.