Subscribe as a professional seller to distribute your products on Rakuten (click on the "How to register?" tab to view the instructions in English).
To distribute your products on Rakuten, check that your products catalogue contains the data normally required by Lengow.
Add a channel catalogue
Add a Rakuten channel catalogue in your Lengow account.
We recommend defining a Segment within your product catalogue to only configure and send the products you want to publish on this channel.
EAN matching
Rakuten allows EAN matching, i.e. if your products have already been created by the marketplace by another reseller, you don't need to send the "products" values usually required to create the product ad on this channel.
mapping is done on the basis of the EAN code (or another type of id depending on the type of products you are selling).
For these products, please ensure that you have completed the Category mapping step first before completing the Attributes mapping:
- Regarding Attributes mapping, fill in attributes ending with "_advert" and marked with a red asterisk (this means they are mandatory):
Still in the Attributes mapping, fill in the required fields used to map the existing ad. mapping will be done based on one of these four attributes (in the order):
- submitterreference: Private reference (fashion and home products)
- pid: Rakuten France product identifier (all products on Rakuten France)
- codebarres: Barcodes (EAN, ISBN) (cultural products)
- referencefabricant: Manufacturer's reference (high-tech products and household appliances)
Note: Rakuten does not allow EAN matching for "private" categories.
Map Categories
Map your categories with Rakuten's using "Categories mapping".
Please note that a more precise category configuration is done at attribute level, by selecting a product type in the "type_product" field.
Example: to assign a product in the "Bricolage> Quincaillerie > Ruban adhésif" category, you will select "Bricolage" at the category mapping step, and "Ruban adhésif" in the drop-down menu of the "type_product" attribute. "Quincaillerie" is a general product type assigned by Rakuten.
Complete Attributes mapping
map your products catalogue fields with the fields requested by the channel, based on fields definitions. If necessary, enter hard values, use functions and/or adapt the values by creating rules. For fields with valid values, select the suggested value or map with your products catalogue values.
If a value is missing, please contact your Rakuten account manager to ask for this value to be created.
Some attributes are mandatory and must be completed for your products to be created or updated. Other fields are optional but Rakuten recommends you to fill them in to improve your products visibility.
Special features for Rakuten:
1. Set up your special offers/sales
1.1. Create a promotional/sales campaign in Rakuten
First, create a promotional/sales campaign in your Rakuten seller account. For any question, please contact your Rakuten account manager.
1.2. Set up your promotions/sales
To manage your promotions/sales, fill in the following fields in Lengow:
- productsCampaignId: campaign ID of the campaign created in Rakuten.
- productsCampaignRefPrice_campaign: pre-discounted price (original price).
- productsCampaignPrice_campaign: discounted price.
- productsCampaignPct_campaign (optional): discount percentage (integer only). Fill in this field if you want to "overwrite" your discount percentage.
Note: do not fill in these fields if your products are not on sale.
Rakuten advise you to set up your sales products 3-5 days in advance!
Set up your offers for Black Friday
Rakuten France is planning an extended Black Friday period:
- "Ventes privées": a week before Black Friday
- "Cyber Monday": first Monday after the Black friday period
Required settings are the same as the one expected for promotion/sales on Rakuten France. Make sure to send to this channel your offers few days before Black Friday period starts.
2. Delivery method and costs
Delivery methods and costs are transmitted to Rakuten France in the product feed. This means that your products must not be in error for this data to be updated.
2.1 Delivery methods
Here are the default delivery methods authorized by Rakuten France:
- "france": normal ("normal"), tracked ("suivi") and registered ("recommandé")
- "france_drom_com": normal ("normal") and registered ("recommandé")
- "europe": normal ("normal") and registered ("recommandé")
- "world": normal ("normal") and registered ("recommandé")
If you want to use other delivery methods ("express_delivery", "kiala" and "mondial_relay"), please contact your Rakuten account manager to enable them. Then you can activate/deactivate them in your Rakuten seller account.
You can also set up custom delivery methods, which must be activated and configured first on Rakuten's side.
2.2 Shipping costs
On Rakuten France, there are different ways to set up your delivery costs:
- Shipping costs for the whole catalogue
- Shipping costs per weight
- Shipping costs per product
Please define your method with your Rakuten account manager.
2.2.1 Shipping costs for the whole catalogue
This way allows you to set your shipping costs as follows: fixed basic amount for the sending + amount per product bought.
Contact your Rakuten account manager to receive the grid to fill in.
- No action has to be done in Lengow for this method.
2.2.2 Shipping costs per weight
This way allows you to set your shipping costs as follows: fixed basic amount for the sending + amount per product depending on its weight.
Contact your Rakuten account manager to receive the grid to fill in.
- In Lengow, go to the "Attributes" page and fill in the "poids" field with your product weight (in gram without any point or comma).
Each product shipping cost is then calculated by Rakuten, based on the provided weight information.
2.2.3 Shipping costs per product
This way allows you to set your shipping costs for each of your products.
This method is recommended by Rakuten as it is more flexible and completely customisable in Lengow.
To activate and configure a delivery mode, a group of three attributes must be filled in in Lengow for each mode:
- authorization (ex : "europe_recommande_authorization"): this field defines whether a delivery method is enabled or disabled. Select the value "1" to enable a specific delivery method.
- leader_price (ex : "europe_recommande_leader_price"): provide your "leader" shipping costs for the corresponding delivery method. The amount must be greater than 0. It is mandatory for this attribute to be filled in if the delivery mode is active (1), or to be empty if the delivery mode is inactive (0).
- follower_price (ex : "europe_recommande_follower_price"): provide your "follower" shipping costs for the corresponding delivery method. The amount must be greater than0. It is mandatory for this attribute to be filled in if the delivery mode is active (1), or to be empty if the delivery mode is inactive (0).
If you have created "custom" delivery methods, you can configure the corresponding attribute groups in Lengow (e.g. "france_custom_delivery_LD1", "france_custom_delivery_etage", etc.).
Example of "normal" delivery settings for France :
In this example above:
- the "normal" delivery method for France is activated: "france_normal_authorization" = 1
- the shipping cost for a single product will be 7€: "france_normal_leader_price" = 7
- the shipping cost per extra product bought will be 1€: "france_normal_follower_price" = 1
Note: A product is "leader" by default whenever it is ordered on its own. When an order contains several products, the product can be either "leader" or "follower":
- "leader": several ordered products and this product has the highest shipping cost in the cart. This latter cost will be therefore considered for the order.
- "follower": several products have been ordered but this product does not have the highest shipping cost. Its "follower" shipping cost will be added up to the total amount of the cart shipping costs.
Free shipping
If you'd like to offer free shipping, contact your Rakuten France account manager and ask them to activate this option.
Then configure the desired delivery mode in Lengow by activating it (authorization = 1) and enter the amount "0" in leader_price and follower_price.
3. Variation values
To manage your variations, make sure to fill in the following field:
submitterreference: parent identifier (common to all variations of product, located on the "common fields" category).
This field must be left empty for products which have no variations. Do not enter the product unique ID in this field.
- color: mandatory if the product varies according to color
- size: mandatory if the product varies according to size
Rakuten only accepts variation (colour/size) for the clothes and home textiles categories.
4. Online Click & Collect service - Rakuten Instore
First make sure you have "created" your store from your Rakuten access. Indeed the marketplace needs to know the geolocation, its opening hours etc ... to give you a store identifier which will be useful when setting up the service into Lengow and for retrieving your orders.
Then, check that the product catalog used by the Lengow platform has a column with the stocks of your store(s).
And follow these steps:
- Add the "Click & Collect" online service from your Rakuten feed into Lengow. This service, once activated, will unlock attributes dedicated to the Click & Collect option which will be entered from the mapping Attributes.
- Complete the attributes visible on the block dedicated to the Click & Collect service. Make sure that the stocks filled and the store ID are those of your stores registered on the marketplace.
Lengow tip
Add a condition on your attributes if the service does not concern the whole catalogue.
Further information
Store stocks are sent to the marketplace every hour, along with data from the Offers feed.
Orders placed with the online click & collect service are only available via the Lengow API, they cannot be imported through our plugin.
Indeed these orders have statuses and actions dedicated to click & collect which make them incompatible with our plugin at the moment. As the statuses of these orders are particular we advise you to consult our API documentation on this subject.
5. General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR)
To comply with the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) applicable from December 13, 2024, you must provide to Rakuten the following information about your products through attributes available in Lengow:
"name_economic_operator" (requis) : Company name
"address_economic_operator" (requis) : Company address
"city_economic_operator" (requis) : City of company
"country_economic_operator" (requis) : Country code of the company. Ex: FR
"zipcode_economic_operator" (requis) : Zipcode of the company
"phone_economic_operator" (requis) : Phone number of the company
"email_economic_operator" (requis) : Email of the company
- "address_details_economic_operator" (optionnel) : Company address details (optional)
- "region_economic_operator" (optionnel) : Region of the company (optional)
Manage your Exclusions
Follow the usual instructions for exclusions for this channel:
Are there product variations in your catalogue? Check whether the parent products should be excluded or not in the step dedicated to variations.
Preview your data
Check the data you are about to send to the channel at the "Preview" step.
Configure your Options
Configure options before sending your products catalogue to Rakuten.
Regarding the fields you have to fill in:
- Rakuten FR login: Enter your Rakuten seller username here.
- Rakuten FR token: Enter your Rakuten Token Developper here. To retrieve it go to your Rakuten back office : "Paramètres du compte" > "Tokens" > "Token de connexion". Click on "Générer un token". Then copy and paste this code.
ISO code for country from which your products come from.
If your products are shipped from different countries, you can adjust this value when accepting an order. -
ISO code for EU country in which your products are taxed (where products are shipped).
If your products are shipped to different countries, you can adjust this value when accepting an order.
Rakuten is requesting numeric ISO codes.
Wikipedia may help you find them.
Note that for France, Rakuten does not allow 250 but 249.
Launch the channel catalogue
Before sending your optimised catalogue to Rakuten:
- Check that your Rakuten online store has been created and opened.
Note: contact your Rakuten account manager if you have any question on this matter.
- Send your optimised catalogue to Rakuten.
Two distinct feeds are sent to Rakuten through API:
Product Feed: enables products integration and creation. It is sent to Rakuten twice a day at around 12:30 pm and 6:30 pm.
If your products are free from errors, they will be created on Rakuten and will appear online within 10 minutes, after the offer feed has been sent. -
Offer Feed: enables the update of prices, stock, etc. It is sent to Rakuten every hour.
When Rakuten receives the offer feed, data is updated almost immediately on Rakuten website.
Read channel reports
Read product and offer channel reports to check that your products are properly configured, either at product creation level (product feed) or updates (offer feed). These reports list only items which were rejected by Rakuten. For each product in error, Rakuten specifies the reason for the rejection.
Product and offer channel reports are available on Lengow : "Channel" tab > select "Rakuten" > "Activity"
Main types of error and how to correct them
>> Offers Reports "Error code: 60, alias"Error code: 60, alias, description: L'alias est obligatoire pour les créations de produit
The error means that the product is not yet created on Rakuten or it is in error in the Product Report.
- Consult the latest Product Report in Lengow. If the product doesn't appear, submit the feed again and contact your Rakuten Account Manager.
>> Products Reports "Error code: 60, attribute poids"
Erreur code: 60, attribute: poids, description: Cette valeur d'attribut "Moyen, de 350g à 1kg" n'est pas permise pour ce type de produit
The error means that the value sent for the attribute weight "poids" is not valid. Rakuten requires specific values on some attributes.
- Check the attributes definition in Lengow to solve this error.
>> Products Reports "Error code: 60, attribute fabricant"
Erreur code: 60, attribute: fabricant, description: Renseignez le champ Fabricant.
The error means the attribute manufacturer "fabricant" is missing.
- Complete this attribute to solve the error.
>> Product Report - code: 60, attribute: alias, description: L'alias est obligatoire pour les créations de produits.
The error indicates that the value sent for the 'Product Type' attribute is missing.
- Complete this attribute to solve the error.
Edit a product file
- Edit "product data"
Contact your Rakuten account manager if you want to edit product data.
- Edit "offer data"
Data is automatically updated as soon as the offer feed is sent out.
Unpublish an offer
To stop advertising an offer on Rakuten, you must directly remove the product from the source feed. An exclusion with a zero quantity does not allow depublishing.
Manage your Rakuten orders
You can manage your orders in the Lengow platform.
1. Order retrieval
Lengow retrieves orders placed on Rakuten website every hour.
2. Order processing
Orders go through various statuses in Lengow while being processed:
Here is the list of statuses corresponding to orders statuses in Lengow:
Waiting for acceptance
At this stage, you can:
- accept the order. If needed, complete import country and or shipping from country (if these values are empty, data filled in your attributes mapping will be taken into account. If these fields are empty at this stage, values from the Channel Settings section will taken into account). You may select the product line.
- refuse the order. You may select the product line.
Waiting for shipment.
At this stage, you can:
- confirm order shipment. You must enter a tracking number and carrier to confirm the order shipment. You may fill in the tracking url. You may select the product line.
- cancel item to partially cancel the order. Fill in the "Comment" field when cancelling one of the items. The cancel item status changes to "CLOSED".
Shipped: The order has been shipped.
Cancelled. At this stage, you cannot carry out any action.
Refused: The order has been refused.
Contact Rakuten : use this commercial e-mail address if you are new seller on Rakuten and you do not have any account manager yet.
Channel's news
Find here the latest changes/communications from the channel and what you have to do in Lengow:
- To sum up
Rakuten FR changes products types for "luminaire" and "lunettes de soleil".
- What you have to do in Lengow
Attributes have been updated in Lengow. If your products catalogue is concerned by these products types, please check Attributes mapping in your RakutenFR feed in Lengow.
Using previous taxonomy will avoid new products to be displayed for these products types.
- Original message
Cher Partenaire,
Nous vous informons que les produits du type luminaire et lunettes de soleil sont détachés de la décoration et des accessoires de mode respectivement.
Ci-dessous les alias à utiliser : new_luminaire lunettes_soleil
Les luminaires et les lunettes de soleil ne sont plus du type privé mais public et ne pourrons plus se décliner ni par couleur ni par taille.
Lorsque vous renseignez un code-barres, vous pouvez éventuellement maper avec une fiche existante publique. Cependant, vous devez respecter les points ci-dessous :
1) Le code-barres doit être mappé avec la clé "codebarres" à la place de "eanVariant".
2) La clé "submitterreference" sera ignorée.
Ci-dessous les nouvelles modélisations :
Si vous utilisez des modèles CSV/TXT vous n'aurez aucun changement à faire de votre côté.
- To sum up
The "decoration_interieur" and "deco_festive" categories have been split into several new categories to allow for a finer categorization. The deprecated categories will be deleted soon.
Find below the newly created categories, already available in Lengow:
- Accessoires de rangement
- Accessoires WC et salle de bains
- Articles de fête et décoration festive
- Bougies et parfums d'ambiance
- Décoration
- Objets du fumeur
- Luminaires
- What you have to do in Lengow
At the Categories mapping step, check if you are using the deprecated categories: "decoration_interieur" and "deco_festive". If so, select instead finer categories among the new ones for your products.
If the outdated categories remain in use, new products may be in error, and existing products in these categories may no longer be displayed.
In Lengow, fill in the shipping_from_country and import_country fields at the Attributes mapping step (create a Rule or few if needed) to specify shipping country and import country per product or group of products.
The values entered in these fields will be displayed at the order acceptance stage. You can change them at that time.
If you are using automatic order acceptance, the easiest way to do this is to fill in the fields in the Attributes mapping.
Rakuten is requesting numeric ISO codes.
Wikipedia may help you find them.
Note that for France, rakuten does not allow 250 but 249.