Shopware - Set up the Plugin

When you first use the plugin, some configuration will be necessary.

Main settings

"Lengow plugin" > "Settings tab" > "Additional Settings > "Main settings"  

  • Account ID / Access Token / Secret Token / Catalogues ID: Data provided automatically. Please do not change them.
  • Enable shop: Once activated, your shop will be linked to Lengow enabling your products to be exported and orders to be imported in Shopware.
  • Enable authorisation by IP: Enable this option to secure your products export by IP
  • Authorized IPs: Indicate the IPs that will have access to the exported product catalogue.

If you have several shops, there will be one tab per shop. main_settings.png

Export settings

"Lengow plugin" > "Settings tab" > "Additional Settings > "Export Settings"

In this area, you can select products to export to the Lengow platform.

  • Export inactive products: option enabling you to export inactive products from your different stores
  • Export Specific products: enable this option to select manually the products to export
  • Default Carrier: Shipping method

If you have several shops, there will be one tab per shop. export.png

Import settings

"Lengow plugin" > "Settings tab" > "Additional Settings > "Import settings"
  • Import orders shipped by Marketplaces: Activate or deactivate the import in your Shopware for orders shipped by marketplaces
  • Decrease my stock with the orders shipped by marketplaces Use this option to take into account your orders sent by marketplaces on your stock in your Shopware backoffice
  • Default carrier: Select the default carrier for orders coming from marketplaces.
  • Re-import all orders updated since: the maximum period (in days) on which the plugin comes to synchronise the orders. In the case of a cron synchronisation, the time interval is managed automatically by the plugin and is based on the date of the last successful synchronisation.
    For example, if the last synchronisation was an hour ago, the plugin will only retrieve the last hours.
    On the contrary, if the last synchronisation was 3 days ago, the plugin will synchronise on the last 3 days without ever exceeding the maximum number of days you have entered (it is recommended to leave this parameter on 3 days).
  • Activate Pre-production Mode: Use Debug Mode for testing and create fake orders. Please note that you have to activate this setting on your pre-production server ONLY

If you have several shops, there will be one tab per shop. import.png


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