📣 Veepee / Privalia - News - End of December 2023 - new "partial_refunded" status

To sum up

At the end of December 2023, a new Lengow status named "partial_refunded" will be created for VeePee and Privalia orders, in addition to the existing "refunded" status.

What is changing?

If you refund one or several products of an order, but not all products, this "partial_refunded" status will be the one displayed in the API. 


"lengow_status": "partial_refunded"

When a refund has occurred, VeePee/Privalia does not provide the order line to which the refund corresponds.

As a result, Lengow cannot affect the refunded amount to a specific product. The refunded amount will therefore be assigned to a single random line in the order.

The refunded amount will appear:

  • In Lengow's API under "refunded_amount" for one random product in the order.
"refunded_amount": "60.90"

refund veepee.png

 If the refund (complete or partial) is done in Veepee's back-office directly, the status won't be updated in Lengow's API. We recommend doing all refund actions in the Lengow platform.

What you have to do

If you're retrieving orders via API, make sure you adapt your API settings for the creation of this new "partial_refunded" status, if needed.


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