📣 News - 4th May 2023 - Veepee / Privalia Taxonomy changes and French Agec law compliance

Veepee modifies taxonomy and suppress redundant categories. Old categories will no longer be visible after the 4th of May 2023. These modifications also apply to Privalia ES/IT.

Veepee also adds attributes complying with French anti-waste law (Agec). 

What you have to do in Lengow

Taxonomy update on Veepee and Privalia ES/IT

On the 4th of May:

  • Check the accuracy of your category mapping. Following the taxonomy update, old categories will in fact be mapped into the new ones. Make sure the mapping of concerned categories is right or remap them at your convenience when necessary. Please find the exhausted list in the original message below. 
  • Old categories will no longer be available after the 4th of May

Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP)

  • retail_price_justification attribute is now available for Spain and Italy and optional to fill it in.
    Please note that it is mandatory for France.

Agec Law on Veepee France


Original Message


  • French AGEC Law (April’s decree)

As explained in our newsletter, 9 new attributes have been added to the taxonomy for Veepee France so that sellers can provide the following information for all concerned products:

  1. compostability

  2. incorporation_recycled_ material

  3. packaging_reusability

  4. recyclability

  5. precious_metals

  6. rare_earths

  7. dangerous_substance

  8. Manufacturing_site_ traceability

  9. plastic_microfibres

  • MSRP justification in South (Spain and Italy)

[...] we’ve rendered available the retail_price_justification attribute also for the South marketplaces (Privalia Spain, Veepee Spain, Privalia Italy and Veepee Italy). For the moment it’s just optional [...]

  • NGP reduction

In our efforts to align the Brandsplace and the Flash taxonomies, we’ve suppressed some redundant categories for all countries. Please find below the exhaustive list:

In blue you’ll see the deprecated categories, which should be replaced with the green one on top. For example, all products categorized as blazers, capes and coats will be included in the jacket category after this change. [...]


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