Manage orders

Sent by marketplaces, import and manage all your orders from Lengow platform.

How to access? "Orders" tab

How does it work?

On the overall view of the orders tab, you can:

  • Filter the orders by Lengow status and/or date.
  • "Accept" or "Reject" new orders immediately.
  • Select several orders to perform a combined action (accept/reject new orders or export orders)
  • See order details by clicking on the order.


On the order details, you can (depending on the operation of the marketplace):

  • View all the products ordered
  • Consult the parcel tracking URL and select the carrier
  • Complete the actions of the order (accept/reject, request a refund, cancel the order, validate shipping...)de5967a9-8277-45bd-8930-e94f45357fee.png
  • Retrieve documents (invoices, delivery slips, packing slips...) - Not all marketplaces provide these documents, these files are only made available to you if the marketplace makes them available to Lengow via API. This pictogram indicates that one or more documents are available: e709fa1d-18c7-4f60-9307-78b3ae2ed2bd.png

The personal information of customers will be deleted after 6 months (law on the GDPR) and will no longer be visible on the Lengow platform or in the documents related to an order.

The Lengow Statuses


Each marketplace has different statuses/stages to indicate the progress of orders. Lengow has created 10 statuses and regrouped all the marketplaces ones to clarify the orders management in the platform. 

Here is a view of all these statuses:

  1. New 
    Any new order registered in the marketplace automatically appears in "New" in Lengow. It then automatically advances to "Awaiting Acceptance"

  2. Waiting Acceptance
    At this stage, you can: 
    "Accept" the order OR "Refuse" it.
    If "Refuse" is selected, the order is automatically returned to the marketplace as a cancelled order and changes to "declined" in Lengow. Do not process this order, the buyer is informed by the marketplace that the order has been cancelled.

  3. Accepted
    Lengow notifies the marketplace that you have accepted the order. The order passes automatically to "Awaiting Shipment".

  4. Waiting Shipment
    The order is being processed. Process it, send it to the buyer, then "Confirm the shipment". The order will pass into 'dispatched'. If the delivery method is 'tracked', enter the carrier and/or the tracking number of the package at this stage.

  5. Shipped
    We will inform the marketplace that the order was sent to the buyer. It is then the marketplace's duty to inform the buyer that the order has been sent. If a dispute hasn't been opened, the order will switch to 'Closed'.

  6. Closed
    The order is fully processed.

  7. Refused
    The order was rejected by you. Depending upon the channel, a refund action is possible.

  8. Canceled
    The order was canceled by the customer or the marketplace. Contact the marketplace for further information. Depending upon the channel, a refund action is possible.

  9. Refunding
    Following the cancellation of an order, a refund will take place.

  10. Refunded
    The order has been refunded.

  11. Partial refunded 
    A portion of the order has been refunded.

  12. Pickup to Prepare
    The merchant has to prepare the pick up

  13. To Pickup
    This order is ready to pick up.

  14. Pickup completed
    The order has been picked up by the buyer.

  15. Pickup canceled
    The pick up has been canceled.

  16. To refund
    The merchant has to refund the order.

Each marketplace has its own process, they will not necessarily pass through all these stages (to understand exactly the different statuses and the schedule of recovery of new orders in a marketplace, consult its dedicated channel guide).

Orders general validation process

If you use one of our plugins or our API, you have the option to import your orders directly to your e-commerce back-office. 

Please note that the orders are only imported through Lengow plugin when they reached the status 'waiting for shipping'.

Using Lengow plugins?

Keep in mind Lengow plugins do not support conditional settings.
Such settings have to be filled in through Lengow.
As an example (this one does not apply to all marketplaces), the tracking information is mandatory only, when you have set "PARCEL" as delivery type for the retrieved order. In this case, tracking information has to be filled in Lengow if you use a Lengow plugin.

Lengow Advice

An option that allows you to automatically accept orders from certain channels. Enable this option only if you are able to honour all orders. If necessary, consider setting up a rule to define a stock buffer on the most sensitive channels.


Note: The above image doesn't include pick-up statuses.

For more information, consult the dedicated channel guide.

Orders general refusal process

As when accepting an order, you can refuse it from Lengow or via our API. 

The order status then goes directly to "Refused" in Lengow and there is no further action possible. 
The marketplace is then notified of this change and can return a new status to Lengow, "canceled", once the order has been canceled at their end.


Note: The above image doesn't include pick-up statuses.

For more information, consult the dedicated channel guide.

Orders general refund process

The "Refund" status is there to notify you that the order is affected by a refund request in the Marketplace.

As the refund is processed from the marketplace back office, Lengow is simply notified of the order status changes and updates it on the order dashboard.  
  • A customer requests a refund for a product on the relevant marketplace 
  • The marketplace notifies Lengow of the new order status: "Refunding
  • You, as a merchant, manage this refund request from your marketplace back office (acceptance or refusal of the request). 
  • The marketplace notifies Lengow of the new order status "Refunded" (if refund accepted), "canceled" (if refused)


Note: The above image doesn't include pick-up statuses.

Reach out to our Support team for any question regarding your orders.


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