💡 Zalando - How to set up ZSS / ZRS

ZSS and ZRS logistics services provided by Zalando:

  • ZSS (Zalando Shipping Solutions) is a cross-border shipping solution where you ship your orders to a Zalando warehouse, and Zalando will provide the last-mile delivery to your customers across Europe.
    More information (including covered countries) in the ZSS presentation on Zalando's website
  • ZRS (Zalando Return Solutions) is a dedicated return service for partner-fulfilled items sold on Zalando. Both "ZRS Pure" and "ZRS Plus" may be used with Lengow.
    More information (including covered countries) in the ZRS presentation on Zalando's website

(For ZFS, read our dedicated article)

Using ZSS / ZRS with Lengow

You must first register with Zalando to activate ZSS and/or ZRS.

Then, you will have to activate the ZSS/ZRS option by ticking the corresponding box in Zdirect.

There is no action required in the Lengow platform to activate ZSS or ZRS.

Accessing the ZSS / ZRS delivery documents:

When an order includes ZSS and/or ZRS service, you will find the corresponding delivery documents in the order details page in Lengow (see screenshot), as well as in the Lengow Orders API 

Note: the documents are available after the order is accepted, i.e. at the following order statuses: waiting_shipment, shipped, canceled or refunded.

Download and print the necessary documents and include them in the package sent to the customer.

ZSS ZRS docs.png

Read more on Zalando delivery documents in this article.


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