💡 Zalando Single-country - What is a masterdata?

Created and provided by Zalando, the "MasterData" is a mandatory file for your integration on this channel.
This file includes, among other things, the type of products that you are authorized to sell on Zalando. It must be provided to Lengow for the creation of your feed and its configuration.

A masterdata is unique and required per country. For the Lengow platform, one masterdata = one Lengow feed. 

Specific case for multilingual country: For Belgium which is French and Dutch speaking, you need to have two masterdatas, thus two feeds in Lengow: Zalando BE_FR and Zalando BE_NL.

Every time the masterdata is modified, Zalando must provide it again to Lengow for integration in your Lengow/Zalando feed. 

Understand your MasterData file

The MasterData file is provided by Zalando (by deposit on Lengow's FTP) and integrated in your Lengow feed. This file includes all Zalando valid values for your products.

Each masterdata is unique and personalized, based on the information entered in your Zalando portal.
If values or categories are missing from your MasterData, it may be because this information is not accurate - make sure to verify it.

 Changes to your MasterData will not be automatically updated in Lengow. If your MasterData evolves, contact the Lengow support team to add the new data to your Lengow feed.

The masterdata file contains the information expected by Zalando for your products:

  • Your silhouettes, i.e. categories in which you can sell your products on Zalando ("silhouettes").
  • Your brands ("brands")
  • Your seasons ("seasons")
  • Your genders ("genders")
  • Your age groups ("ageGroups")
  • Your colours ("colors")
  • Your materials ("materials")
  • Your sizes ("sizeGrids)
  • Your lengths (lengthGrids")

The values present in MasterData (colors, sizes, etc.) will be available in Lengow, enabling you to create rules with a conversion list to adapt your data to those of Zalando.


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