Register with El Corte Inglés
El Corte Inglés is a Spanish department store group; its marketplace specializes in fashion, electronics, beauty and home products.
Contact El Corte Inglés at this address to know if you are eligible to sell your products on their website:
To distribute your products on El Corte Inglés, check that your catalogue contains the data normally required by Lengow.
Contacts at El Corte Inglés
Add the El Corte Inglés channel in Lengow
We recommend defining a Segment within your catalogue to only configure and send the products you want to publish on this channel.
The El Corte Inglés channel allows you to publish your products in Spain and/or Portugal.
When adding the channel "El Corte Inglés" in your Lengow account, you will have the choice between the offer feed and the product feed:
Note: The "El Corte Inglés Catalog" feed is a previous version which requires an action by the Support team.
"El Corte Inglés Offer":
Add this feed to send your offers to the marketplace. This entails your products' price, stock, discount price, logistics class, etc. This feed is mandatory to publish on El Corte Inglés, and is used for EAN matching.
This feed is connected automatically to El Corte Inglés via API through Mirakl, and is used to retrieve orders. -
"El Corte Inglés Product":
Add this feed as well if you need to create and update product sheets on El Corte Inglés. Product data sent through this feed includes product titles, descriptions, images, variations, etc. The Product feed is also known as the "Catalogue" feed.
This will generate an optimized feed in CSV format, which has to be sent manually to the marketplace.
You also have the option to create this feed by yourself based on the template generated by El Corte Inglés, and send it to them as a CSV file. Contact your El Corte Inglés account manager for more information.
The detailed list of all required and recommended attributes is available in your Mirakl back-office.
Read our dedicated article.
Let's get started!
Always follow the same steps to set up a channel in Lengow, as detailed in this article.
The information in the following articles focuses on the settings specific to El Corte Inglés.
Click on "Next" below to continue reading.