Facebook Dynamic Ads

To display your products on this channel, check that your catalogue contains the data normally required by Lengow

Add a channel catalogue

Add the channel catalogue in your Lengow account.

We recommend defining a Segment within your product catalogue to only configure and send the products you want to publish on this channel.

Map Categories

Map your categories with Facebook's using "Categories mapping".

Complete Attributes mapping

map your products catalogue fields with the fields requested by the channel, based on fields definitions. If necessary, enter hard values, use functions and/or adapt the values by creating rules. For fields with valid values, select the suggested value or map with your products catalogue values.
If a value is missing in the drop-down menu, please contact your Facebook account manager and ask for the creation of the concerned value.

Some fields are mandatory and must be completed for your products to be created or updated. Other fields are optional but Facebook recommends you fill them in to improve your products visibility.

Required Attributes

  • id
Unique ID for item. Can be a variant for a product. Use the SKU if you can.
  • title

A specific, relevant title for the item. Include keywords, such as brand, attributes, or condition. Make sure that product titles satisfy catalog requirements.

Example: Blue Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex)

  • description
A short, relevant description of the item. Don't include promotional text or any links. Use plain text and don't enter text in all capital letters. Ensure that product descriptions satisfy catalog requirements.  

  • availability

Current availability of the item.Select the corresponding value:

- in stock (Item ships immediately)
- available for order (Ships in 1-2 weeks)
- out of stock (Not available in current stock)
- discontinued
  • condition
Condition of the item (new, refurbished, used)
  • price
Cost and currency of the item. Format the price as a number, followed by the 3-digit ISO currency code (ISO 4217 standards), with a space between cost and currency. Use a period (".") as the decimal point.
e.g: 9.99 USD, 25.00 EUR
  • link

URL of the specific product page where people can buy the item.

  • brand, mpn ou gtin

Brand name, unique manufacturer part number (MPN), or Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) of the item. You only need to enter one of these, not all of them. For GTIN, enter the item's UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN.

- Daily Deals inventory must also include mpn if brand is provided. Required if no manufacturer assigned gtin.

To know more about Facebook attributes, read Facebook help.  

Focus "Images" as Required Attributes

  • image_link
URL for the main image of your item.

Follow these image specifications:

    • JPEG, PNG or GIF format up to 8 MB.
    • map the title and description of the exact product for sale.
    • Product images display in square (1:1) format. The minimum image size is 500 x 500 px.
    • Not include offensive content like nudity, explicit language, or violence.
    • 4+ unique and relevant images per product.
      Register additionnal images in the "additional_image_link" field.
    • Include a mix of different types of images that show the product from different angles

    • Make sure your primary image is a clear shot that captures your entire product

    • Make it clear which product you’re selling in the images you provide

    • No less than 2 images per product

    • Blurry, low resolution or featured with a bad background

    • Text, like calls to action or promo codes, time sensitive information, watermarks

Learn more about product image recommendations
Lengow tip
Make sure to provide multiple images to improve shop performance. 

1. Set up your special offers/sales

To set up special offers/sales, fill in the following attributes:

  • "price": Cost and currency of the item (e.g. 9.99 USD)
  • "sale_price": discounted price and currency of the item (e.g: 9.99 USD)
  • "sale_price_effective_date": Time range for your sale period, including the date, time, and time zone when your sale starts and ends. If you don't enter sale dates, any items with a sale_price remains on sale until you remove their sale price.
    Use this format, YYYY-MM-DDT23:59+00:00/YYYY-MM-DDT23:59+00:00, as follows:
  1. Type the start date as YYYY-MM-DD.
  2. Type "T" after start date.
  3. Type the start time in a 24-hour format (00:00 to 23:59), followed by the UTC time zone (-12:00 to +14:00).
  4. Type a "/" and then repeat the same format for your end date and time.

The example below uses the PST time zone (-08:00).

Example: 2020-04-30T09:30-08:00/2020-05-30T23:59-08:00

2. Delivery method and costs

Shipping costs and delivery methods are defined by Facebook. Contact Facebook to obtain the table of costs.

2.1 Delivery methods

Complete the following attributes to set your shipping options:
  • shipping

Shipping details for the item, written as: Country:Region:Service:Price.

Format the price as a number, followed by the 3-digit ISO currency code (ISO 4217 standards), with a space between cost and currency.

To use the free shipping overlay, type the price as 0.0.

Use "," to separate multiple shipping details for different regions or countries. Only people in the specified region or country will see shipping details for that region or country. You can leave out the region (keep the double "::") if your shipping details are the same for an entire country.

Example (multiple shipping details for different regions):
US:CA:Ground:9.99 USD,US:NY:Air:15.99 USD
Example (no region): SG::Air:14.99 SGD

  • shipping_weight

Shipping weight of the item in lb, oz, g, or kg.

Example: 10 kg

3. Variation values

To display products with variations, complete the following mapping and exclude the parent lines from the optimized feed.

  • item_group_id

Items that are variants of a product. Provide the same item_group_id for all items that are variants. 

For example, a red Polo Shirt is a variant of Polo Shirt. Facebook maps this to the retailer_product_group_id once they get your feed. With dynamic ads, Facebook picks only one item out of the group based on the signal we receive from the pixel or app event, based on relevance or popularity.

Manage your Exclusions

In addition to the usual instructions for exclusions, you must exclude for this channel:

  • "Parent products" if your products catalogue contains any, this channel does not want to receive parent files.

Preview your data

Check the data you are about to send to the channel at the "Preview" step.

Configure your Options

Get the Lengow URL of your products feed provided at the catalog launching step.

Then, use the "Set up a scheduled feed" procedure detailed into the"Upload Items to a Catalog With a Data Feed File" article from Facebook guide here.

Launch the channel catalogue

To send your Lengow optimized feed to Facebook, follow the instructions of "Set up a scheduled feed" procedure detailed in the"Upload Items to a Catalog With a Data Feed File" article from the Facebook guide here

Read Channels reports

To help you view and correct the products errors check the Facebook documentation here.

Edit a product file

Unpublish/Delete an offer


Facebook's Help Center is available here.


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