💡 Amazon - How to integrate ASIN codes?

ASIN codes are identifiers created by and for Amazon, in order to gather under the same product page, multiple retailers who are selling the same product.

When you want to sell a product on Amazon, with this channel already knows its EAN code, you'll get an error expecting you to fill in for this product the ASIN code instead of the EAN code.

To find this ASIN code mapping your product, please refer to Amazon help.

Then add this ASIN code to your catalogue and send it to Amazon.
To do so, here is our suggested method:

Create an import file

Once you gathered ASIN codes, list them in a csv file with 2 columns:

  • Product identifier
  • ASIN


Then in Lengow:

Import this file:

  • Go to "Catalogues" tab > "Additional sources"
  • Select the catalogue that is linked to the Amazon channel where you want to send this ASIN codes
  • Go to the "Additional sources" tab
  • Select the import method "A spreadsheet file"
  • Join the csv file you created
  • Once the import has been done, select the field which contains the product id (this value will help Lengow to link different data sources which compose your catalogue)
  • The merge is done, your file is now listed in the "Additional sources" tab

Send your ASIN codes to Amazon

  • In Lengow, open the Amazon channel > " Attributes mapping" tab where you waht to send your ASIN codes
  • At this stage, "external_product_id" field contains EAN codes and "external_product_id_type" field contains the "EAN" word, if an EAN code has been filled in the "external_product_id" field
  • Create a rule in order to send:
    • in the "external_product_id" field: the ASIN value if it is available in the file that you've completed
    • in the "external_product_id_type": the "ASIN" word for these same products


In the example below, condition targets products which have an ASIN code in the catalogue (we used the new field added to the catalogue whith steps described above).
Make sure you adapat the condition of your rule based on data from your catalogue.

Your data will be send to Amazon when the next indexing'll run.

Make sure you think about reading errors reports which are available in your Lengow account after the next channel's indexing in order to correct them, to increase your online products inventory.


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