Register with Zalando
Contact your Lengow account manager to know if you are eligible to sell your products on Zalando.
Note: Zalando may set restrictions to your partnership (publishing countries, ZFS only, etc.).
To display your products on Zalando, check that your products catalogue contains the data required by Lengow.
Once your Zalando onboarding starts, your Zalando account manager will prepare your "MasterData" file and provide it to Lengow.
Lengow recommends using the Zalando multi-country channel
What is the difference between the Zalando multi-country and single-country channels?
- Zalando multi-country allows you to publish in several countries using one channel only. It is based on the latest Zalando API, also known as Direct Integration.
- Zalando single-country is based on Zalando XML, or Standard / Non-direct integration. One channel per country must be created in Lengow.
Catalogue requirements specific to Zalando
Before starting on Zalando, make sure you have these product data in your catalogue:
Zalando contact
Contact Zalando through their Partner Portal.
Other Zalando resources:
- Zalando's image and content guides
- Zalando's article mapping guide
- Zalando attribute requirements
- Artikelstatus Code Definitions (provided by Zalando) to check article status and errors
Useful Zalando document
Zalando provides this Attribute requirements table (.zip) which is a useful tool to know which attributes are required for each type of product ("silhouette").
Adding the Zalando channel in Lengow
Zalando Single-country is available for the following countries, buy adding one separate channel for each country: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
More countries are available using the Zalando Multi-country channel, but please note that both channels may not be used simultaneously.
To add the Zalando Single-country channel, contact the Lengow Support team first, as the Zalando channel is NOT available to be added directly from your Lengow account. Each Zalando feed has to be created specifically for your own masterdata file.
When contacting our Support team, specify for which country your Zalando feed is dedicated.
Make sure to copy in your Zalando contact and ask them to provide Lengow with your Masterdata file.
Then, once your Zalando channel is created, your Lengow Support contact will let you know that you can start setting up your feed in Lengow.
We recommend defining a Segment within your product catalogue to only configure and send the products you want to publish on this channel.
Let's get started!
Always follow the same steps to set up a channel in Lengow, as detailed in this article.
The information in the following articles focus on the settings specific to Zalando.
Click on "Next" below to continue reading.