Contact the marketplace to know if you are eligible to sell your products on their website.
Check OTTO's requirements here.
To display your products on this marketplace, check that your products catalogue contains the data normally required by Lengow.
Only sellers with German headquarters + VAT number are allowed to use this marketplace. More info here.
Add a channel catalogue
Add a channel catalogue in your Lengow account.
We recommend defining a Segment within your product catalogue to only configure and send the products you want to publish on this channel.
Map Categories
Map your categories using "Categories mapping".
Complete Attributes mapping
Map your products catalogue fields with the fields requested by the channel, based on fields definitions. If necessary, enter hard values, use functions and/or adapt the values by creating rules. For fields with valid values, select the suggested value or map with your products catalogue values.
If a value is missing in the drop-down menu, please contact your channel account manager and ask for the creation of the concerned value.
Some fields are mandatory and must be completed for your products to be created or updated. Other fields are optional but the channel recommends you fill them in to improve your products visibility.
If values are missing, you can request new values via a ticket in the Partner Helpdesk in the category Produktdaten. OTTO offers many values for bounded lists. Please make sure that the value is not available (accent, space, etc.) before opening a ticket.
1. Set up your special offers/sales
Otto requests currency and VAT information for every standard price you send.
Complete the following mandatory attributes in Lengow for standard prices:
- pricing.standardPrice.amount: standard price, use decimal point to express cents. Ex: 10.50
- pricing.standardPrice.currency: The currency of your price expressed as a shortcut according to ISO 4217. Ex: EUR
pricing.vat: The value added tax that is included in the sales price.
FULL for standard tax rate (19%)
REDUCED for reduced tax rate (7%)
FREE for zero tax rate (0%)
- Discount price, use decimal point to express cents. Ex: 5.50
- The currency of your price expressed as a shortcut according to ISO 4217. Ex: EUR
- The start date for the discount offer. Ex: 2019-10-19T10:00:15.000+0100
- The end date for the discount offer. Ex: 2019-10-19T10:00:15.000+0100
Make sure to disable the discount rules as soon as your discount action has ended. Errors can occur if these attributes are not disabled, thus your offer data will not be updated anymore.
2. Delivery method and costs
Select delivery methods in your OTTO back office.
Note: OTTO advises not to link shipping profiles with SKUs in OTTO's portal.
The following Otto delivery attributes must be completed in Lengow:
The different possible values are:- PARCEL: package with return label (a return tracking number is mandatory for this type of delivery)
- FORWARDER_PREFERREDLOCATION: relais_colis (contact Otto for specific elements)
- FORWARDER_CURBSIDE: Pick-up service, order retrievement in the shop or from the car (contact Otto for details on this delivery method).
- FORWARDER_HEAVYDUTY: Transport by heavy trucks.
The delivery time in days, with allowed values from 1 to 999. -
Weekend calculation
Saturday is included whereas Sunday which is excluded.
3. Variation values
OTTO accepts variation settings and bases it on the product reference. Thus, variations will have the same Product reference but different SKUs for each variation.
To manage your variations in Lengow:
- The "productReference" attribute must be filled with a reference common to all variations (ex: PULL-TEDDY). For simple product, if you don’t have such a reference, it can be the SKU/ID/EAN of the product. This identifier cannot be modified.
- The "sku"/"ean" code must be filled as the unique reference for each product.
- Products within the same variation must have the same category.
- The "productDescription.bulletPoints" attributes are used to create the bullet points, so the values can be different between variations (the same goes for the description).
- The "modellname" attribute must contain the name of the collection, without any information regarding color or size.
- Products with variations must have information that allows differentiation between the products (e.g. color, size, etc.).
- The "variationThemes" attribute allows products to be differentiated based on the attributes filled. Examples for “Kleid”: Unterbrustumfang; Schnittform Länge; Farbe; Ausgabegröße; Material; Körbchengröße; Materialart; Anzahl Teile.
4. Specific settings
The Energieeffizienzklasse attribute is expecting a unit scale (a value from A to G).
- "sku"
The "sku" is the unique identifier of your product. OTTO requests that the SKU is a static value, as it cannot be changed after successful import into their systems.
Manage your Exclusions
Follow the usual instructions for exclusions for this channel:
Are there product variations in your catalogue? Check whether the parent products should be excluded or not in the step dedicated to variations.
Preview your data
Check the data you are about to send to the channel at the "Preview" step.
Configure your Options
Configure options before sending your products catalogue to the channel.
Follow these steps to establish the connection to OTTO:
- Click on "Connect to Otto" to be redirected to OTTO's connecting page.
Log into your OTTO account.
You must have an admin account on OTTO to complete the operation. -
Grant access to Lengow API.
Authorize Lengow to access their Partner ID.
Please note that you will have to log in again on Otto for this step, as the base URL is different from the previous step.
- In Lengow, enter the address used to ship (zipcode, city and country code).
Launch the channel catalogue
Product Feed:
This feed enables the integration and creation of products. It also contains your prices.
It is sent to the channel every 4 hours.
Offer Feed:
This feed enables the update of your stock quantities.
It is sent to the channel every hour.
Read channel reports
Read product and offer Channel reports to check that your products are properly configured. These reports list only items which were rejected by OTTO. For each product in error, the channel specifies the reason for the rejection.
Product and offer channel reports are available and downloadable from Lengow: "Channel" tab > select your OTTO channel > click on "Activity"
To help you correct these errors, read our OTTO error resolution section.
Please note that the product anomalies found in Otto in the "Produktanalyzen" tab (updated each night by Otto) or directly in the "Produktübersicht" menu are not retrieved in Lengow.
Otto works in differential mode, meaning that only the modifications are sent to the channel during the day.
However, full synchronizations are done during the night to send the whole catalogue.
To get the full offer or product Channel reports, make sure to download the one corresponding to those full updates in the "Previous channel reports" section :
- The full offers synchronization takes place around 03:40 a.m. CET
- The full products (including prices) synchronization takes place around 03:00 a.m. CET
Tip: If your prices are not up-to-date, make sure to check this report.
Edit a product file
Check our usual guidelines to edit your data.
- Edit "product data"
- Edit "offer data" : Data is automatically updated as soon as the offer feed is sent out (the frequency is indicated at the "Launch the channel catalogue" step).
Unpublish/Delete an offer
To stop advertising an offer on the channel, read our recommendations.
Manage your orders
You can manage your orders in the Lengow platform.
1. Order retrieval
Lengow retrieves orders placed on the channel website 15 minutes.
2. Order statuses
Orders go through various statuses in Lengow while being processed.
For Otto here are the Lengow statuses you can find on your orders:
✅ "waiting_shipment" is Lengow status for:
Possible actions at this status:
- ship. It requires the carrier and tracking number to be specified. (Note that for DHL, a 20-digit tracking number is required, i.e. with the leading zeros.)
> If the client chose "parcel" as delivery mode, fill in both return_carrier and return_tracking_number.
> If the client chose "forwarder..." as delivery mode, return_carrier and return_tracking_number are optional.
In all cases, you can also specify the sender's address information ("from_address_city", "from_address_country_code" and "from_address_postal_code") and the product line (line).
- cancel. You may specify the product line to cancel.
✅ "shipped" is Lengow status for:
- "SENT"
✅ "canceled" is Lengow status for:
✅ "refunded" is Lengow status for:
✅ "waiting_acceptance" is Lengow status for:
3. Recovering old electronic equipment from the end buyer
As a seller if you have to recover the old electronic equipment from the end buyer, the info will be made available either:
- In Lengow > At the order level > via CSV export of Orders
- In Lengow plugin > in the "extra" field
Via Lengow API > in the weee_pickup tag (within "order_line_meta"), with the true or false info:
Example :
"order_line_meta": {"weee_pickup": true,}
4. Otto Receipt
For each order, Otto provides a purchase receipt (also called an invoice). This document is made available to you via the Lengow API, as well as in the Lengow platform, in the order details (see screenshot).
- For technical help, create a ticket in OTTO's Partner Helpdesk:
- Otto Customer Support:
Channel's news
Find here the latest changes/communications from the channel and what you have to do in Lengow:
- To sum up
Otto is currently migrating from the V2 version of its Receipts API to the V3 version. Lengow is switching to this new version on 22nd June 2023.
As a result, the receipt information provided through the API is modified as described in Otto's communication below. The invoices available in Lengow will evolve accordingly
There is no action required in Lengow. If you are retrieving your Otto orders via API, make sure to take the modifications into account.
- Original message
We are proudly introducing our receipts API v3 with a lot of changes compared to v2, that we will describe here. v2 will be supported until 11th of July 2023. After this date, the receipts interface will reject requests via v2.
- sales_order_id query parameter filter has been renamed to salesOrderId for /receipts endpoint
- type has been renamed to receiptType
- originalReceiptNumber has been renamed to linkedReceiptNumber
- originalCreationDate has been renamed to linkedCreationDate
- lineItems was used for only item positions previously, now there is a sub structure that cares about all bill objects
- has been renamed to partner.partnerName
- partner.legalRepresentatives has been renamed to partner.representedBy
-partner.registerNumber has been renamed to partner.commercialRegisterNumber
- customer.street will not contain house number for newly created receipts
-articleNumber will contain promotion as suffix
- lineItems.dimensions has been renamed to lineItems.itemPositions.variationAttributes
- amountDue will contain the actual amount due from customer
- shippingCost has been renamed to deliveryCost
- vatRate has been renamed to taxRate
- vat has been renamed to tax
- Introduce receiptTypes, from and to new query parameter filters for /receipts endpoint
- isRealReceipt will indicate whether its a real invoice or technical invoice
- customer.houseNumber will contain house number of the customer
- deliveryAddress.houseNumber will contain house number of the delivery address
- Introduce totals to contains total amount per tax type and tax rate
- Introduce totalsGrossAmount as summation of total receipt amount including all tax type
- url and priceToPay has been removed
- type query parameter filter has been removed for /receipts endpoint
More changes can be found on swagger documentation.
- To sum up
Otto is currently releasing the V3 version of its products API. Lengow will migrate to this new version in March 2023.
As a result of this API upgrade, Otto has new requirements on certain attributes (read below). Make sure to do the necessary ajustements in order to keep your products published.
- What you have to do in Lengow
At the Attributes mapping step of your Otto feed, adapt your values to Otto's new requirements:
- The only allowed currency will be Euro (code: EUR).
- The following fields will be limited to 70 characters (a TRUNC function may be used to limit a field's length):
- "productLine"
- "Besondere Merkmale"
- "Set-Info"
- In the the "mediaAssets.location" fields, URL links will be limited to 2083 characters.
- The following attributes will be removed: "offeringStartDate", "UPC" and "ISBN".
- To sum up
As of 31st August 2022, Otto is updating its categories and will delete around 400 categories. They will be replaced by new categories under a new name and a new category ID.
- What you have to do in Lengow
The new categories are already available in Lengow. We recommend to make sure that the category mapping of your Otto channel is complete in Lengow.
- To sum up
Product uploads to Otto fail for some feeds, because the attribute names sent to Otto are wrong for some categories (not valid for JSON uploads to Otto).
A migration script is launched on Monday April 25th to correct the concerned attributes.
(Ex: the attribute 3D-Brillen.productDescription.attributes.UN-Test 38.3 Lithiu" will become "3D-Brillen.productDescription.attributes.UN-Test 38\.3 Lithi")
- What you have to do in Lengow
This change is completely transparent, it is however recommended to check your attribute mapping.
- To sum up
Otto is evolving its categories taxonomy. Therefore updates have to be carried on in your Lengow account.
As of 4th of October 2021, make sure to check your settings in your Lengow account for your Otto feed(s).
- What you have to do in Lengow
In your Otto feed in Lengow, check Categories mapping and Attributes mapping step, especially to make sure products attributes from specified categories are mapped accurately.
Have a look to this list of categories to know if you catalogue is impacted.
- Original message
Deletion of certain product categories as of 04.10.2021
Over the past few months, we have frequently informed partners about deletions of duplicate/incomprehensible product categories. [...] The deletion will now take place on 04.10.21. The partner must therefore adjust the product category here accordingly if they use one of these 371 product categories. Please find attached an Excel of the affected product categories.
You have to set your VAT ID during the onboarding in your KYC process and in our OTTO backend. No action is required in Lengow for this topic.