Google Surfaces

Types of free product listings

The types of free product listings service [previously called Surfaces across Google], allows you to promote your products for free on Google. 
These ads can be made for two types of products: 

1/Ads for products available on your website

To publish this type of ad, you will need to:

2/ Ads for products available in your shop(s)

To get this type of ads, you will need to:
  • Activate the Google Local Surfaces service in your Google Merchant Center

Follow Partoo advices.

The "Surfaces across Google" service

Fill in as many fields as possible in the structure.
Google will use the data in the feed to generate the ads.
Use the field "destinationName.SurfacesAcrossGoogle" to exclude products for which you do not want to distribute this type of ad. Please, refer to the instructions in this field to find out how to complete it. If necessary, create a Rule.

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