

Contact the marketplace to know if you are eligible to sell your products on their website.

To display your products on this marketplace, check that your products catalogue contains the data normally required by Lengow.

You first have to upload your devices manually in your Spareka back office, before using the Lengow connector to manage your spare parts.

EAN matching

Spareka allows to display products using EAN matching method.

Within your Lengow feed, fill in these three attributes: sparePart[brand]/sparePart[reference]/sparePart[type] to identify the product/the sparepart at Spareka and specify the OFFER_SKU for the offer to be linked.
Then complete the following offer fields:

  • logisticClass
  • offerState
  • quantity
  • leadtimeToShip
  • price[spk_fr] (optional)

Add a channel catalogue

Add a channel catalogue in your Lengow account.

We recommend defining a Segment within your product catalogue to only configure and send the products you want to publish on this channel.

map Categories

map your categories using "Categories mapping".

Complete Attributes mapping

map your products catalogue fields with the fields requested by the channel, based on fields definitions. If necessary, enter hard values, use functions and/or adapt the values by creating rules. For fields with valid values, select the suggested value or map with your products catalogue values.
If a value is missing in the drop-down menu, please contact your channel account manager and ask for the creation of the concerned value.

Some fields are mandatory and must be completed for your products to be created or updated. Other fields are optional but the channel recommends you fill them in to improve your products visibility.

1. Set up your special promotions / sales

Spareka does not offer to set up special offers/sales.

2. Delivery method and costs

2.1. Delivery methods and costs

Delivery modes and charges are to be set up in your Spareka back-office (see image below)

2.2. Logistic class

Logistics class are to be set up in your Spareka back-office (see image below). In Lengow, enter the code corresponding to the logistics class ("logisticClass" field) you wish to apply to the product.


2.3. leadtimeToShip

It corresponds to the time (in days) necessary to prepare an order.

Lead time to ship can be useful for built-on-demand products which need to be built, prepared, and packaged before they are sent. In this case you can specify a lead time to ship of five days for example, so that the customer knows that it will take five days before you ship the order.

3. Variation values

Spareka doesn't manage products variations and will create a separate product page for each product variation from your products catalogue.

For instance, there will be different product pages for a spare part available in different colors on the channel:
- One product sheet for the product X in black
- One product sheet for the product X in grey
- One product sheet for the product X in red
- One product sheet for the product X in blue

Parent products must be excluded from the feed sent to this channel, if your products catalogue contains any.

4. OFFER_SKU, brand, reference, type

Once an offer is created with a specific OFFER_SKU and a sparePart[brand]/sparePart[reference]/sparePart[type] combo (which identify the product/spare part at Spareka), it will be impossible to send this same OFFER_SKU on another product/spare part later.

Please avoid modifying these three attributes: sparePart[brand]/sparePart[reference]/sparePart[type] after creating an offer on the corresponding product, since it would lead to the error: "offer is already linked to another Spare Part".

Manage your Exclusions

Follow the usual instructions for exclusions for this channel:

Are thereproduct variationsin your catalogue? Check whether the parent products should be excluded or not in the step dedicated to variations.

Preview your data

Check the data you are about to send to the channel at the "Preview" step.

Configure your Options

Configure options before sending your products catalogue to the channel.

Here are the "API ID" fields to be completed: 

  • API Key
  • Secret key

Launch the channel catalogue

Two distinct feeds are sent to the channel through API:
  • Product Feed: enables the integration and creation of products.

It is sent to the channel once a day and it is managed manually by Spareka. Therefore products are not immediately displayed online.  
Spareka imports images asynchronously. Therefore images may be updated online later than other products data.

Spare parts (=products) creation is allowed for some merchants only.
These rights are managed by Spareka. Contact your Spareka account manager if needed.  

  • Offer Feed: enables the update of prices, stock, etc.

It is sent to the channel every hour.

Spareka processes the catalogue in two stages: "normalisation" (checking the feed format) and "error report generation" (checking the values within the feed).
Errors encountered in the second step will be transmitted to Lengow only if the first step is validated by Spareka.

Read Channels reports

Read product and offer Channels reports to check that your products are properly configured, either at product creation level (product feed) or updates (offer feed). These reports list only items which were rejected by the channel.

Product and offer Channels reports are available and downloadable in Lengow: "Channel" tab > select "name of the channel" > click on "Activity".

The "normalisation" stage will send a maximum of one error to Lengow. Correct the error so that you can resubmit your catalogue to the "normalisation" stage.

Once the "normalisation" is validated, the error reports will be more varied/precise regarding the attributes.

Edit a product file

Check our usual guidelines to edit your data.

  • Edit "product data" Spare parts (=products) modification is allowed for some merchants only.These rights are managed by Spareka. Contact your Spareka account manager if needed.  
  • Edit "offer data" : Data is automatically updated as soon as the offer feed is sent out(the frequency is indicated at the "Launch the channel catalogue" step).

Unpublish/Delete an offer

Manage your orders

You can manage your orders in the Lengow platform.

1. Order retrieval

Lengow retrieves orders placed on Spareka's website every 15 minutes on one day, and once a day on the last 5 days. 

2. Order processing

Orders go through various statuses in Lengow while being processed.

3.Orders Statuses

Here are the statuses you can find on your orders with this channel:

Lengow status "new" corresponds to the following channel status:


Possible action on "new" order: capture.

Lengow status "waiting_acceptance" corresponds to the following channel status:


Possible action on "new" order: accept (specify the order_id) or refuse (specify the order_id and the reason code).

Lengow status "waiting_shipment" corresponds to the following channel statuses:


Possible action on "waiting_shipment" order: ship, cancel

  • To ship a global shipping, order_id has to be filled in. carrier_code, carrier_name, tracking_number, tracking_url may be filled in.
  • To ship a partial shipping, order_id, offer_sku or order_line_id and associated quantity has to be filled in. carrier_code, carrier_name, tracking_number, tracking_url may be filled in.
  • For a global cancellation, order_id and reason_code have to be filled in.
  • For a partial cancellation order_id, reason_code, offer_sku or order_line_id and associated quantity has to be filled in.

Lengow status "shipped" corresponds to the following channel status:


Possible action on "shipped" order: refund

  • For a global refund, reason_code has to be specified.
  • For a partial refund, order_id, reason_code, offer_sku or order_line_id and associated amount has to be filled in.

Lengow status "canceled" corresponds to the following channel statuses:


No action possible on canceled orders.

Lengow status "refused" corresponds to the following channel statuses:


No action possible on refused orders.

Lengow status "refunded" corresponds to the following channel statuses:


No action possible on closed orders.

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