💡 My product is not published / updated on the marketplace: what can I do?

Your product is not published on the marketplace. As errors block publications and updates, check if any occurred following these steps: 

1. Check the Channel report 

On the Channel report, check if there is any error associated to your product by searching the product ID. 


2. Check the Feed Preview

On the feed preview:

  • Search for the ID of the concerned product to check if the required information of the error message is filled out.
  • The coloured dot in "send it ?" column must be green.



3. Check the Attribute mapping

If an attribute is empty on the feed preview, check if it is filled out on the attributes page.


4. Check your Data on the Catalog Preview

If the concerned attribute is filled out with a field from your catalogue:

  • In the catalogue preview, check if the field has values. An empty field generates an error.








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