Edit a product file
Edit "product data"
Contact your Google account manager to edit this data.
Edit "offer data"
Data is automatically updated as soon as the offer feed is sent out. If the supplemental feed id hasn't been filled in the "API id" tab, offers'll be updated only once a day.
Unpublish/Delete an offer
1. Unpublish
- Case #1: Only one Google service is activated for your catalog and you want to unpublish on or many product.s from this service
Fill in the "availability" field with the value "out of stock". Use a rule to apply this un-publication to all or part of your catalog.
Case #2: Several Google services are enabled for your catalog and you want to un-publish your products from only one of these services (and continue to display them on other services).
Fill in the field "destinationName. ..." corresponding to the service on which you want to un-publish the product.s with the value "Yes". Use a rule to apply this un-publication to all or part of your catalog.
In the Preview tab, the “1”value indicates that the product won’t be displayed on the service. The “0” value indicated that the product will be displayed on the service.
Example: I want to un-publish my products from Display Ads and I want to keep displaying them on other services. Fields will have to be filled in this way in the Preview:
- destinationName.Shopping: 0
It means the product will be displayed on Google Shopping - destinationName.google_display_ads: 1
It means the product will not be displayed on Google Display Ads anymore
2. Delete products
For all services:
As soon as a product isn't in the optimised catalogue anymore, this product is deleted in your Google Merchant Center.
Technicaly, when a product has been sent through API to Google, then isn't present for a later update, Lengow uses the "delete" function to inform your Google Merchant Center account about your product deletion.
This action leads to losing this product's history.