La Redoute (Mirakl) - Attributes - French Sales


Get ready and prepare your La Redoute Mirakl French Sales in Lengow! 

La Redoute only allows fully integrated merchants in the marketplace to participate in sales.

Please note that the deadline for sending the Summer Sales offers to La Redoute is Thursday 19th December, 2024 at 12pm (noon).

Any feed offer sent after this date will not be guaranteed for the launch and will not be able to benefit from the "SOLDES" sticker. Your products would then be sold from the second day of the Sales on La Redoute. 

The full process is available here on La Redoute's Partner Portal.
For more information, contact your La Redoute account manager.

1. Law about sales

Any price reduction must indicate the previous price applied by the seller before the price reduction is applied.

The previous price is the lowest price applied by the seller to all consumers during the last thirty days
before the price reduction is applied.

You can find more details on this regulation in Article L 121-1-1 of the French Consumer Code.

2. Sending sales offer

2.1 To ensure proper integration of your mark-downs on the website

To ensure optimum merchandising ("Soldes" sticker, boosting products in the lists pages, etc.), La Redoute awaits your offers feed containing your sales offers before Thursday 19th December, 2024 at 12pm (noon).

Any offers feed sent after this date will not receive the "Soldes" sticker (this has no impact on the successful integration of your mark-downs).

2.2. Feed configuration in Lengow

According to the process expected from La Redoute, there are a few steps to follow within the Lengow solution in order to get your feed ready for the sales period.

The following attributes must be sent to La Redoute ONLY for sales products:

  • "Prix remisé - discount-price": must contain your discounted sale price.
  • "Prix Offre - price": must contain your strike-through price.
  • "Date début promotion - discount-start-date": must contain the sale start date "2025-01-08T00:01:00+01".
  • "Date fin promotion - discount-end-date": must contain the sale end date "2025-02-05T00:01:00+01". (Even if the Winter sales are finishing on 04/02 at

To provide this information, create a new rule to complete these values for your summer sales products to be included in the offers feed for la Redoute.

And for any products that are NOT included in the sales:

  • The "Prix Offre - price" field must contain the sale price of your product.
  • The "Prix remisé - discount-price" field must be blank.
  • The "Date début promotion - discount-start-date" field must be blank.
  • The "Date fin promotion - discount-end-date" field must be blank.

2.3 Notify La Redoute

Contact your La Redoute account manager to notify them that your feed is ready for this stage and to ensure that it is received correctly on your end.

Help them to carry out their analysis by providing the two or three product identifiers that are included in your "Soldes" (Sales) feed.

Within Mirakl, you can check the offer feed you sent (export from Mirakl), update and correct the errors if needed.

3. How to avoid overwriting my regular prices before the Sales period?

You can continue to send offers without any risk. Contrary to the previous Sales, overwriting your Sales offers feed is not possible anymore.

The offers freeze: this is the period of time during which La Redoute deliberately blocks the processing of feeds that they receive. This is to secure the first day of the beginning of the Sales.

Thursday 19th December 2024 = deadline to update your prices.

4. Sending your offers during the sale period

To manage the second and third markdowns during the sales, simply modify the discount-price, taking care not to modify the sale dates to respect the continuity of the offers (and avoid any depublication).

5. Sales end

If you have filled start and end dates for your discount price, the price will be back to the default one at the end of the period.

If you don’t send any discount end date, your discount price will keep on living with no limited time.


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