WooCommerce - Lengow plugin changelogs

โœ… Version 2.6.6 (released on 17-10-2024)

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • API Rate Limitation
    Implemented a limit of 500 API calls per minute for both the API Orders and API Actions endpoints.

โœ… Version 2.6.5 (released on 30-09-2024)

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • New Lengow logo
    Lengow logos updated by the new ones.

โœ… Version 2.6.4 (released on 13-08-2024)

๐ŸŽ‰ Features 

  • Import fractional day orders
    Support provided for fractional days in order import url in days parameter.

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • Internal order ID not updated
    Fixing a bug where the connector was unable to update the internal order IDs on Lengow.

โœ… Version 2.6.3 (released on 10-07-2024)

๐ŸŽ‰ Features 

  •  API call change
    /v3.0/plan becomes /v1.0/restrictions Lengow_Connector.
  • Email configuration at import stage
    Merchant can choose whether to anonymise the email in clear text or in encrypted form (md5).
  • [Export] Character insertion error
    Fixed some characters that should not be inserted when exporting the catalogue.

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • FBA orders amazon_us
    Update of address fields not provided by the marketplace.
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce
    Verification of the existence of the WC_Customer::set_shipping_phone() method

โœ… Version 2.6.2 (released on 20-05-2024)

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • Meta box not accessible in order edit
    Fix meta box not showing up in order edit page when using the old WooCommerce storing engine.
  • [Export Catalogue export incident
    Fix a crash that could occur in a specific case when exporting a catalogue.
  • [Export] Character insert error
    Fix some characters that should not be escaped in the catalogue export.

โœ… Version 2.6.1 (released on 06-05-2024)

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • Phone number information
    Add phone number to the order information in the โ€œLengowโ€œ tab.
    Add shipping phone number to Woocommerce order shipping address.
  • Remove the tracking option
    No longer functional as the tracking has been deprecated in Lengow.

โœ… Version 2.6.0 (released on 25-04-2024)

๐ŸŽ‰ Features 

  • Return management
    Add return_tracking_number and return_carrier field if is optional argument and send this data in order action.
  • The plugin is installable via composer
    Add composer.json file so the plugin is now installable via composer

โœ… Version 2.5.5 (released on 15-04-2024)

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • Updated code style
    Improved to plugin code style to be compliant with WordPress requirements. This does not affect how the plugin works.
  • PHP error
    Fixed a non-blocking error appearing on the Lengow admin dashboard when a plugin update is available.

โœ… Version 2.5.4 (released on 26-02-2024)

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • Timeout catalogue export
    Optimisation of the code to reduce export time by 3 times.
  • Help center links in 404
    The link leading to Lengow's help center have been updated in the plugin.
  • Broken link in the admin footer in the settings section
    The link in the template has been fixed.

โœ… Version 2.5.3 (released on 08-01-2024)

 ๐ŸŽ‰ Features 

  • Partial refund
    The new Lengow status is now taken into account for Veepee
  • Environment switch
    The plugin can now switch to preprod or prod mode via configuration
  • File details toolbox
    Possibility of accessing further details on modified files via the toolbox
  • Email anonymisation
    Enabling email anonymisation via configuration is now available

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • Synchronisation of deferred vat number not updated
    This information can now be updated after order creation, during an update on the marketplace side
  • Duplicate order due to "delivery_adress_id"
    No longer take this value into account
  • php8.1 bug on null strings
    Trans-typing to (string) to avoid null values on native php functions e.g. str_replace()

  • WC_Order entity not functional
    No longer use posts (wordpress) but WC_Order entities from woo-commerce

โœ… Version 2.5.2 (released on 27-01-2022)

๐ŸŽ‰ Features

  • Removal of compatibility with WooCommerce versions lower than 4.0
    Removed all code specific to older versions of WooCommerce and cleaned up existing code
  • Integration of an internal toolbox with all Lengow information for support
    Integration of a toolbox directly in the plugin containing all the technical data necessary for support. We will also find a checksum verification of the module files to verify that no file is missing or modified
  • Adding the PHP version in the toolbox
    Adding the version of PHP installed on the client's server in the internal and external toolbox of the plugin
  • Modification of the fallback urls of the Lengow Help Center
    Modification of all plugin fallback urls following the migration of the Lengow Help Center from Stonly to Zendesk
  • Adding extra field update date in external toolbox
    Addition in the external toolbox of the date of update of the extra field allowing to visualize the status of an order at the time of import into the CMS

โœ… Version 2.5.1 (released on 20-12-2021)

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • Loading of all dependencies in the webservices
    Loading of all the dependencies necessary for the Lengow webservices (Export, cron and toolbox) in order to avoid errors when launching processes.

โœ… Version 2.5.0 (released on 26-10-2021)

๐ŸŽ‰ Features 

  • Integration of order synchronization in the toolbox webservice

Setting up synchronization over a given period, a time interval or for a specific order. Possibility of forcing synchronization to remove current errors and attempt to reimport the order. The webservice returns a detailed JSON containing the number of orders created, failed, ignored, updated or even badly formatted.

  • Retrieving the status of an order in the toolbox webservice

Integration of endpoints to retrieve the status of a Lengow order in the CMS. Recovery of all Lengow data for a specific order: list of errors, actions, status changes and all data necessary for support.

โœ… Version 2.4.1 (released on 19-07-2021)

๐ŸŽ‰ Features

  • Integration of a new toolbox url

Outsourcing of the plugin toolbox via Webservice. The toolbox url allows you to retrieve all the plugin data: plugin summary, list of options, checksum of plugin files and list of available logs. It also allows you to download logs for a specific day or all. 

  • Adding an update modal in the plugin 

Implementation of a modal indicating that a new version of the plugin is available for download. This modal is displayed by default once a day when the plugin is obsolete. It contains all the information allowing the update (version changelog, update procedure and link to the support). It remains present continuously using a link in the header of the plugin. ๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • [export] Correction on the recovery of product taxes

Implementation of additional security to type all returns from WooCommerce functions to have only float type data. This correction avoids the appearance of warnings concerning product taxes which could interfere with the flow of exports. 

  • [export] Retrieve all attributes for product variations

Improvement of the SQL query for retrieving product attributes to take into account variations and all their data.

  • [export] Added security if the value of the product attribute is an object 

Implementation of additional security on data recovery in order to avoid 500 errors when meta_data data is wrongly formatted (use of the table by a third party plugin). If the value of the attribute is an object, we return an empty value.

โœ… Version 2.4.0 (released on 24-03-2021)

๐ŸŽ‰ Features 

  • Implementation of the new connection process

Removal of the previous connection system via Iframe and addition of several screens allowing the connection and mapping of catalogs ๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • [import] Registration of the intra-community VAT number

Recording of the intra-community VAT number in the "lengow_order" table when creating the order

  • [export] Reorganization of image urls in the export feed

Adding a filter to remove NULL values from the array containing all product image urls

โœ… Version 2.3.3 (released on 26-10-2020)

 ๐ŸŽ‰ Features 

  • Adding new links to the Lengow Help Center and Support

Implementation of the new Lengow Help Center urls on the dashboard as well as on the help page. Update of the form urls allowing the creation of support tickets (French and English).

  • [import] B2B orders can now be imported without taxes (optional)

B2B type orders can now be imported tax free. To do this, you must activate the associated option in the module configuration. By default, B2B orders are imported with taxes. ๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • [import] Handling of b2b order shipping tax

Modification of the function "class-lengow-import-order::methode _add_shipping_cost()" to add a boolean parameter "$ no_tax" allowing to choose to apply or not the taxes on the shipping costs. This parameter is used when an order is of type B2B and the option to import B2B orders without taxes is active.

  • New security for Wordpress version 5.5.x

Added new security to check whether instantiating a variable in module event functions. This fix was made in order to make the module compatible with the 5.5.x versions of WordPress.

  • [export] Checks if the child description is empty or null

Added an additional check on the child description when it is null or empty. If this is the case, the module retrieves the description of the parent product.

  • Always load iframe in https

The connection iframe was no longer working in the module due to an http / https protocol error. The iframe is now loaded exclusively in https in order to solve this problem. 

โœ… Version 2.3.2 (released on 09-06-2020)

 ๐ŸŽ‰ Features  

  • [import] Addition of order types in the order management screen
  • [import] Addition of the currency conversion option in the order option panel
  • [import] Integration of the region code in the delivery and billing addresses

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix 

  • Update of the access token when recovering an http 401 code

โœ… Version 2.3.1 (released on 13-03-2020)

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • Addition of the http 201 code in the success codes

โœ… Version 2.3.0 (released on 04-03-2020)

๐ŸŽ‰ Features  

  • [import] Protection of the import of anonymized orders
  • [import] Protection of the import of orders older than 3 months
  • Refactoring and optimization of the connector class
  • Optimization of API calls for synchronisation of orders and actions
  • Display of an alert when the plugin is no longer up to date
  • Renaming from Preprod Mode to Debug Mode

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix 

  • Refactoring and optimization of dates with the correct locale

โœ… Version 2.2.1 (released on 06-01-2020)

๐ŸŽ‰ Features  

  • Adding compatibility with php 7.3
  • Update of the GNU General Public License in version 3
  • Add readme.txt file for WordPress validation  

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix 

  •  Change Plugin URI for WordPress validation  

โœ… Version 2.2.0 (released on 05-12-2019)

๐ŸŽ‰ Features

  • [import] Added import order management
  • [action] Manage ship and cancel actions on order
  • Implementation of the new Lengow order management screen
  • [action] Automatic verification of actions sent to the marketplace
  • [action] Automatic sending of action if the first shipment was a failure
  • Setting up the simple Lengow tracker
  • Sending a report email with order import and action upload errors
  • Viewing Lengow Information on the WooCommerce order
  • [action] Adding a Lengow send block on the WooCommerce order to populate carrier data
  • Adding a order resynchronisation button with Lengow
  • [import] Adding a reimport command button and Lengow technical error status  

โœ… Version 2.1.1 (released on 24-07-2019)

๐ŸŽ‰ Features 

  • [import] Optimization of the order recovery system
  • [import] Setting up a cache for synchronizing catalogs ids
  • [export] Recovering parent images for the variation  

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix 

  • [export] Recovering all distinct attributes in SQL query  

โœ… Version 2.1.0 (released on 11-06-2019)

๐ŸŽ‰ Features 

  • Registering marketplace data in a json file  

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • [export] Caching legacy export data
  • [export] Improved deletion of duplicate headers
  • [export] Correction of the counter on the total number of products  

โœ… Version 2.0.2 (released on 24-01-2019)

๐ŸŽ‰ Features 

  • Adding links to the new Lengow help center
  • [Export] Adding shipping_class field to the export feed  

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix

  • [Export] Management of duplicate fields
  • [Export] Checking for the description if a parent product is null
  • Instantiation of the wpdb component for the update process
  • [Export] Exclusion of variations without parent from export feed
  • [import] Improved security to avoid duplicate synchronization  

โœ… Version 2.0.1 (released on 02-07-2018)

๐ŸŽ‰ Features 

  • Complete refactoring of the installation and update processes
  • Protocol change to https for API calls

๐Ÿ”ง Bugfix  

  • Add indexes to database to speed up the display of product grid
  • Deleting the indefinite index user_id in the connector  

โœ… Version 2.0.0 (released on 09-11-2017)

๐ŸŽ‰ Features

  • Full rewrite for the new platform Lengow
  • Add new lengow Dashboard
  • Add new product selection
  • Add new stock synchronisation page
  • Add new help page
  • Add new Toolbox page with all Lengow informations
  • Add new legals page
  • New lengow settings with cleaning old options
  • Creating new accounts directly from the module  

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