
How to access? "Apps" > Select "Zapier"


What is it?

Zapier is a SAAS tool for automating tasks.

It connects web applications (more than 1000 applications are available on their interface) to facilitate the processing and transmission of your data.

How does it work?

The Lengow App for Zapier allows you to automatically retrieve the information contained in the orders from your marketplaces.

This means that the import or update of an order in Lengow can trigger actions in your web applications via Zapier.

Here are some examples of possible uses with Lengow:

  • Slack
    Automatically send a message to your teams as soon as a new order arrives to alert your employees
  • Google Sheet
    Add a new row in your spreadsheet for each new order from marketplaces
  • Zendesk
    When a new order comes in, create a new user and automatically add Zendesk accounts to quickly exchange with your new customers about their order.

Many other uses are possible, such as extracting the telephone data from an order to transmit it to your carrier for example.

App Configuration

  1. In Lengow

  • Activate the Zapier App from the Lengow platform.

A redirection will then take you to the Zapier site to log in.


  1. In Zapier

Create a "Zap" (Trigger: "Make a Zap!")

  • Choisissez Lengow comme application déclencheur


  • Fill in your "Access Token + Secret" found in the A.P.I section of your Lengow account information (this will validate the connection of the App with lengow)
  • Select the trigger or event that activates and executes your zap. You then have two possibilities:
    • Arrival of a new order / 'New order from Marketplaces'
    • The update of an order (the order already exists but has changed status, ...) / 'Updated orders'

Configure the action of your "Zap"

  • Choose the web application with which you want to create the action for your order data.

Example with Google Sheets:


Note : Upon activation of the Zapier App, Lengow retrieves the last 12 orders over the last 14 days. Then, the Lengow trigger is automatically activated and retrieves 12 orders every 15 minutes.


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