💡 Google - How to do the migration from URL to API?

You've got a Google URL feed in your Lengow account and you want to use the API version for this channel? Here is how to do so:

How to know if I have a Google URL feed?

Go to the "Settings" step in your Google Shopping catalogue in Lengow.

  • If only "Costs" dans "Tracking" tabs are available, your catalogue has the URL format.


  • If the "Login" is available, your catalogue has the API format.


1. Add and set up the Google Shopping channel

Add the Google Shopping API feed in your Lengow account.

Do you want to save some settings?

What could be duplicated

We suggest you to avoid manually duplicating these settings from your previous feed to the new one:

How to duplicate my settings?

To do this duplication, contact the Lengow Support by indicating:

  • the initial feed id 
  • the Google API - Services feed id on which you want to duplicate your settings

These two feedshave to be in the same Lengow account. 
If they are in separate accounts, these accounts have to belong to the same master account.

What actions are needed next?

Some adjustments will be required on the settings, as some data cannot be duplicated. For example, some attributes require the use of a conversion list, which was not the case when sending the feed via URL. Or, the attribute requested in the API version didn't exist in the feed sent by URL.

We strongly recommend you to consult all duplicate settings, make sure that data you set mapes to Google's expectations and follow this step-by-step guide: Set up Google API Services

You will also display your offers on Shopping Actions?

This wasn't possible previously with the Google Shopping URL feed.

Read the guide: Set up Google API Services to find out the specifics of the settings related to this service.

You want to start from scratch with the settings of this channel?

 Follow this step-by-step guide: Set up Google API Services.

2. Test your Google API feed on few products only

  • Create an exclusion, to narrow your test to part of your products
  • Make sure you exclude the same products on the Google Shopping URL feed, which is currently displaying your products
  • Sign in to Google and select you MerchantID at the "Settings" in Lengow

#At this stage, the main part of your catalogue is sent to Google from your previous Google channel in Lengow (by URL) and a small part of your catalogue is sent by this channel (by API).

No products are displayed on both feeds at the same time.

3. In your Google Merchant Center, check if your products sent by API are set correctly

Has the API feed been added to my account?

This is the case, if in your Google Merchant Center (Tab "Products" > "Feeds"), you see two separate lines mentioning as import method "API Content" for one and "File" for the other.


Are the products sent in error?

Errors reports are:

  • In your Google Merchant Center, "Products" tab > "Diagnostics" > select "Primary feed" > "Content API".
  • In Lengow, have a look to channel report in your Google API channel.

If errors occured, adapt the API feed settings in Lengow, until your products are online and meet your expectations and those from Google.


4. Gradually pass 100% of your products via API

Change the exclusion you set up in test step, in order to display by API all the products you want.

#At this stage, you send 100% of your catalogue by URL and 100% of your products by API.

4 bis. Immediately, in the URL feed

Immediately, exclude from your URL feed, the products you are sending through API to your Google Merchant Center.

Right after the previous step:

  • Go to your previous Google Shopping feed (via URL) and exclude from display all the products you just activated via the API feed.
  • Wait until your API feed is sent for the first time by Lengow (we recommend you to wait 24 hours, to be sure that this action has been done).
  • Then, if your Google Shopping feed (via URL) doesn't display any product anymore, de-activate it in Lengow.
  • Then, check that no product is sent by URL.

5. Delete your data feed URL in your Google Merchant Center

When all the products you want to display via Google API are online and no more products are displayed by your URL feed, you can delete your URL feed from your Google Merchant Center.

To do this, make sure that the URL feed no longer contains any products ("Products" tab > "Diagnostics" > in the "Primary feed" filter, select the URL feed (in our example: "google test"):


Then in the "Products" tab > "Feeds" > delete the concerned feed (called "google test" in our example - to make sure that it is really the URL feed, it must be indicated "File" in the "import method" column):


You can disable the feed from Lengow as well.

If you don't want to keep statistics related to this feed in Lengow, you can also delete it from your account.


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