Import products from Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC)

✅ The Lengow cartridge is compatible with the following versions of SFCC: pipelines version 105.2.0, controllers version 105.2.0 and SFRA version 6.0.0.
The cartridge has been tested against code compatibility version 21.7.

Use this import method if your product catalogue comes from your Salesforce Commerce Cloud platform.

You need access to an SFTP server to use this method.
The Lengow SFCC Cartridge does not support export to unsecured FTP servers.

Orders cannot be retrieved in SFCC using this import method.
Your orders can be managed directly in the Lengow platform. 

How does it work?

Install the Lengow SFCC cartridge

First, download the Lengow SFCC cartridge from this GitHub link and install it. You must be a website admin to do the installation.

Settings in SFCC

1. Select your store

If you have multiple stores in your SFCC account, start by selecting a store.


2. Open the Lengow cartridge

In the "Merchant Tools" tab in SFCC, select the cartridge (module) called "Lengow Products Feed". 



Then, click on "Export Attributes Configurations" to start setting up your export.


3. Select attributes

In the "Manage Export Attributes" section in SFCC, select the attributes you wish to export to Lengow.
Make sure to select both the mandatory and additional attributes in the corresponding tabs. This selection can be modified at any time.

The attribute names appearing in the "ID" column in SFCC will be used as the headers of the exported CSV file.

The inventory (level and status) and the primary category ID will also be sent in the export.

On this page, you can also select the locales to export in the "Select locale" drop-down menu. In the case of multi-locale stores, locales are exported in separate files.


4. Set up the export

Follow the below steps to configure an export job.

The purpose of a scheduled export job is to regularly pick up your data from SFCC, create a feed in the requested format and send it to your SFTP server.

4.1 SFTP service configuration

To export your data, you first need to setup an SFTP service:

  1. In SFCC, go to: "Administration" > "Operations" > "Services"
  2. Go to the the "Profiles" tab and click on "New" to create a new profile
  3. Set up a new service profile and name it "lengow.sftp.profile" for example. Optional fields can remain empty, they will be populated with default values. Click on "Apply".

  4. Go to the "Credentials" tab and and click on "New" to create new credentials.
  5. Set up your new service credentials with your own SFTP credentials and name it "lengow.sftp.credentials" for example. Click on "Apply".

  6. Go to the "Services" tab and create a new service, with the following information:
    • Type: SFTP
    • Enabled: checked
    • Service Mode: Live
    • Log Name Prefix: LengowSftp
    • Profile: lengow.sftp.profile (name given at step 3)
    • Credentials: lengow.sftp.credentials (name given at step 5)


4.2 Export job creation

Go to "Administration" > "Operations" > "Jobs" to create an automated export to your SFTP server.
The latest run of each job is indicated on this page.

Click on "New Job" to create it, and name it "LengowFeed" for example.


4.3 Export job configuration

To set up the job you just created:

  • Go to the "Job Steps" tab and click on "Configure a step". 
  • Search for "Lengow" in the search bar, and select "custom.LengowCatalogFeed".
    This step creates an export, which may contain one or several files (one per language, for example). 
    Add this step several times if several exports are needed.


  • Enter a unique ID for this export, and update the other fields' default configuration if needed.
    Click on "Assign". 


  • Click on "Organization" and specify the scope of the job.


  • To complete the setup, click again on "Configure a step". 
    Search for "Lengow" and this time, select "custom.LengowUpdateFeed". 
    This step designates the server and folder in which the exports will be done. Only do this step after all your exports are created.
  • Enter a unique ID, and in the "ServiceID" field, enter the service name you chose earlier (at the end of section 4.1). Click on "Assign". 


4.4 Export schedule

Set up the job scheduling in the "Schedule and History" tab of the job. 

Notifications and rules may also be managed in the nearby tabs.


You can launch the job manually at any time by clicking on the "Run Now" button.

Settings in Lengow

In the "Catalogues" tab in Lengow:

  • Click on "Add a new catalogue".
  • Select "Salesforce Commerce Cloud" as the import method.


  • Enter the login details of the SFTP where your SFCC export is deposited:
    Host, Path, File name, Port, Login and password.


In Lengow, the import frequency of your catalogue should be scheduled after the export planned in SFCC, to make sure the most up-to-date data is retrieved.

Note: the file name and its path must not be changed.


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