🔧 Amazon - Error Code 8567 - SKU does not map any ASIN and contains invalid values

SKU does not map any ASIN and contains invalid values

Amazon error message (example): SKU XXXXXX does not map any ASIN and contains invalid values for attributes required for creation of a new ASIN. New ASIN creation requires the following attributes, for which this SKU provided invalid attribute value(s): standard_product_id.

The most common causes for this error are:

  • The values entered in the "external_product_id" field are invalid.
  • Your products barcodes are invalid. 

Solve and prevent error 8567:

  • Make sure that the external_product_id is correct.
  1. Check character requirements. For example, UPCs have 12 digits, EANs have 13 digits, and ISBNs have 10.
  2. Check for barcode validation : they must be registered in the GS1 database, as requested by Amazon.
  3. Update your data and resubmit.
  • Use ASIN codes instead of EAN or UPC codes.
  1. If you can provide your products ASIN codes, send them to Amazon in the external_product_id field. You can use an additional source to add this data to your source catalogue if needed.
  2. Update your data and resubmit.

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