To manage variations, at least two attributes need to be completed:
- "item_group_id": This field must contain the parent identifier of your products declined (identifier common to all the declensions of a product). This data is mandatory if the product is declined.
- At least one variation criteria among: "color", "size", "material", "pattern", "age_group" and "gender".
This data is mandatory if the product is declined on the color, the size or on another attribute.
For the size: The value "36/38/40/42" will be in error: it is necessary to indicate only one size by product, example: "36".
For the color: you may include up to 3 colors, each separated by a slash ( / ), example: "Red/Green/Black"
More information in Google's documentation
Parent products must be excluded from the feed sent to Google, if your products catalogue contains any.