Amazon - Orders Management

Invoice management and VAT calculation is available through the Amazon VCS app.

Order retrieval

Lengow retrieves new orders or modified orders on Amazon website:

  • Every hour, for new orders made or amended within the last 3 hours.
"Allow Foreign orders" option
It is now possible to retrieve orders from several Amazon countries (Amazon IT, Amazon ES, etc.) via a single Amazon feed in Lengow. 
Set up this option in your Amazon feed logins. Make sure you activate this option on one Amazon feed only. 

Order processing

Orders go through various statuses in Lengow while being processed. 

For Amazon here are the Lengow statuses you can find on your orders:   

✅ "waiting_shipment"  is Lengow status for:        

  • "PartiallyShipped"
  • "Unfulfillable"
  • "Unshipped"

Possible actions on "waiting_shipment" order (both actions can be done for a product line) :
- cancel. The "reason" and "line" parameters are optional.
- ship.
Ship action requires "carrier" and "shipping method" to be specified. The "tracking number" is also required and must be valid. The "shipping date" has also to be filled in.

Note: For the "shipping method", Amazon allows free values (alphanumeric text, 50 characters max. - example: "Standard - DHL").

If the selected "carrier" is "Other", then "carrier_name" must be filled in (free values are allowed).
Example: "carrier_name": "TestDelivery".

✅ "shipped" is Lengow status for:

  • "InvoiceUnconfirmed"
  • "Shipped"

Possible action on "shipped" order:
- refund
Refund action (full or partial) requires the following mandatory arguments: "reason" (Ex: "ProductOutofStock", "CustomerReturn", "PriceError", "Other", etc.), "line" (one action per line is necessary; enter "1" if the order only has one line), "refund_taxes", "refund_shipping_price" (excluding tax), and "refund_shipping_taxes".
Refund action optional argument: "refund_price" (excluding tax).

✅ "canceled" is Lengow status for:

  • "Canceled"

No action possible on canceled orders.

✅ "refunded" is Lengow status for:
  • "Refunded"
From Lengow's "orders" API, easily search in your Amazon orders using the following parameters: 
  • is_express: orders that requires express delivery, for example in the Amazon Prime program 
  • is_delivered_by_marketplace: the order or the product is sent by the marketplace (FBA).
  • is_business: B2B order 
  • is_prime: specific to Amazon
For Lengow to retrieve the billing addresses of FBM orders (fulfilled by merchant), an option has to be activated in your Amazon seller central. 
Go to "Orders Reports", click on "Add or remove order report columns" and activate the "Billing" option.
If this option isn't activated, Lengow duplicates the delivery address in the billing address field.
This is not necessary for FBA orders, for which Lengow automatically retrieves the billing information.

VAT Management

Lengow retrieves from Amazon VAT information through Amazon Orders API.

Then, Lengow makes these data available for you to understand wether Amazon collect VAT for each order and which VAT management portal is involved.

Where to find this data?

  • Do you manage orders through Lengow API? These data are available through Lengow's Orders API.
  • Do you manage orders in Lengow platform?  These data are available in the orders export.
  • Do you manage orders in your back office, through Lengow plugin? These data are available in the JSON text field.

Amazon Prime orders

Identify Amazon Prime orders using Lengow API:

  • Find "prime" value in "order_types" node

"order_types": [ { "type": "is_prime", "label": "Prime" } ] 

  • Or check for "Express" value in node "is_express" for your Amazon Prime orders.

"order_types": [{"type": "is_express", "label": "Express"}] 


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