Add a new product catalogue

Why and when should you add a product catalogue?

  • You are managing several websites and therefore have different product catalogues available.
  • The product catalogue you have uploaded to Lengow is missing product variations and the channel you've added already is requesting this type of products.
  • You are developing your international activity and have a store available which is translated into several languages.
How to access?  
"Catalogues" tab > "Add a new catalogue"  

Note: Check that your catalogue contains the data normally required by Lengow.

Adding a product catalogue

In Catalogues tab:

  • Click on "Add a new Catalogue".

add catalogue.png

Checking products imported

Preview imported products

The preview of all products after the first upload of the catalogue

  • Use the search engine to check specific products.
  • Click on a product to see all the values imported.


Statistics about imported products

  • On the right of the mapping Lengow a table shows: 
    • New products detected (the first import is the entire catalogue).
    • The updated products (if one of the values has been changed for the product since the last import).
    • Products deleted since the last import.
    • Deduplicated products - based on the product identifier (field associated with the "Product ID" in the "mapping Lengow"). Lengow keeps in base the first product duplicated in the catalog products.
    • Products in error. If one of the critical fields is empty (product identifier, title, category, price), if there is a shift of lines, ... These products are removed from the display.


At this step you can:

  • Consult the details of the concerned products.
  • Make a new import.

If your product catalogue contains products in error: correct these errors directly in your product catalog from your back office and retry an import.

Set up import frequency

Adjust Import Frequency of your Catalogue according to the update of your own products data updates. Read more about it in the Import Frequency" article.

How are included the changing values of my catalogue?

Lengow retrieves the updates of your data each time you import the catalogue, follow them in the Previous catalogue reports.

To check that your values are up to date on the channel(s) associated with the product catalogue, follow our advice!

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