Initial product attributes mapping

What is it?

At the "Initial product attributes mapping" step, you can map your product fields with the standard "Lengow Fields".

This will be used to pre-fill the "Attributes mapping" of each channel in Lengow.

The initial product attributes mapping is only done once when importing a new catalogue.
Once mapped, the main fields of your catalogue will be automatically applied to each new channel added in Lengow.

How does it work?

lengow mapping.png

- To the left : Initial product attributes mapping

Indicate the main fields by mapping the attributes usually requested for each channel and the fields from your catalogue.

Don't forget to identify your "parent ID" field if your catalogue includes variations.

- To the right : Preview

Immediately see the results of your mapping (the choice of products posted will be randomly selected from the first 100 products in your catalogue).

Lengow advice

Come back to this step whenever a map is not suitable:

    • All changes made here will be applied to channels based on this catalogue in Lengow.
    •  For safety, some fields cannot be modified if an active channel in using the catalogue in Lengow. To modify such a mapping, you must first pause all channels based on this catalogue, and ensure to reactivate them afterwards.
    • If you modify the category field, ensure that the category mapping of all channels based on this catalogue is correct before reactivating them.


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