Products - Previous catalogue reports

How to access? "Catalogues" tab > Choose a catalogue > "Products"

What is it? 

To get the latest updates for your product catalogue (price changes, titles... addition or removal of products), Lengow needs to import this data into the platform. This is called a product catalogue import. 

The Previous catalogue reports is the chronology of the imports in your product catalogue.

How does it work?

For the latest imports, look at:

  • The dates and timetables of the imports. This way, you'll know when Lengow has updated your data.
  • The number of imported products.
  • The number of new products detected.
  • The number of updated products.
  • The number of unchanged products.

To change the import frequency, go to the "Import frequency" section of your product catalogue.

Manually import your catalogue

The "Update catalogue" button allows you to manually start an update of your catalogue, regardless of the registered import schedules.

Your catalogue is generated through a Lengow reprocessing?

Please contact Lengow Support to request a manual import of your catalogue.


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