Import frequency

How to access it? "Catalogues" tab > Select a catalogue > "Settings" > "Update frequency & alerts"



To get the latest updates of your products catalogues (price, title changes, new products, etc), Lengow has to import your data into the platform. This is the product catalogue import.

  • Update Frequency

This feature allows you to choose days and times at which your product catalogue will be imported.
Your data will then be available for the all channels linked to your product catalogue.

Please note that channel indexation times vary from channel to channel.

How does it work?

Step 1: Select the days during which you want Lengow to update your products catalogue.

Step 2: Select the times during which you want Lengow to update your products catalogue (no more than one per hour).

If a catalogue is not connected to any channel, it will NOT be updated, regardless of the import frequency.



  • Daily mail

Every morning, the owner and all admin profile will receive a digest mail with all important facts among it errors found for the catalogue import. The alert can be activated in your avatar on the part "Notifications". Appart from this daily mail, other alerts can be activated.

  • In case of unchanged catalogue

This parameter allows you to add notifications to your catalogue in order to alert you when the values of the catalogue have not been updated on the last imports.

This alert will be sent to the owner and the account administrator(s) (if any).

frequency alert.png

  • In the event of product deletion

This parameter enables to set protection when a significant products deletion occurs compared to the previous version of the product catalogue. It is recommended to set a maximum ratio of deleted products.


Make a one-off update

You have just made a change in your catalogue and would like it to be immediately transferred to Lengow without waiting for the next scheduled import?
This action does not change anything to the regular imports you have scheduled. 

In Lengow, go to the "Products" tab of your catalogue.

If the "Update catalogue" button is available, click on it to launch the update:

newupdate cata.png

If you have several sources, you can choose the one you want to update or update them all at once.

The "Update catalogue" button is not available?

This means the way your catalogue is sent to Lengow does not allow this action.


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