eBay - Starting with eBay



Register with eBay 

Contact eBay to know if you are eligible to sell your products on their website.

To display your products on eBay, check that your products catalogue contains the data normally required by Lengow.

Contact eBay

You may contact eBay through their Online Support or reach out to the eBay Community.

We recommend checking the following eBay documentation:

Add the eBay channel in Lengow

Add an eBay channel catalogue in your Lengow account for your target country.
Note: if you wish to sell your products in a country which is not available in Lengow, please contact our Support Team.

You will first be asked to authorize Lengow to connect to your eBay Pro Store account before starting setup:

  • Click on the "Connect to" button - you will be redirected to eBay. Log in to your seller account and click on "I accept" to connect Lengow to eBay.
  • Once the authentication process is confirmed, you can start setting up eBay.

If you were already selling on eBay, it's important to keep your eBay history. Read our advice!

We recommend defining a Segment within your product catalogue to only configure and send the products you want to publish on this channel.

Let's get started!

Always follow the same steps to set up a channel in Lengow, as detailed in this article.

The information in the following articles focus on the settings specific to eBay.
Click on "Next" below to continue reading.

Are you selling vehicle parts? The parts compatibility can be activated in the Lengow platform, in the "eBay services" section.

Articles in this section

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